
People, fundamentals, long-term thinking, and culture are recipes for a successful business. Modern-day companies’ DNA is on growth where all the fundamentals are flawed, and everything boils down to the next fundraising round. To achieve this, unnecessary hiring, product development, and lots of money get wasted. Founders, investors, and stakeholders are talking about revenue from …


Life is not fair. Things never work as planned. We can either mourn it or accept it with courage. Mourning is not an option; you will become weak, and it will kill you from the inside. When you accept reality, you will become fearless. You will start leaving in the unexpected. We die every single …

podcast notes : X-Unicorn(7)

Last evening was listening to Karthik’s X-Unicorns podcast, where he interviewed Prashant, founder of EaseMyTrip. There are a few takeaways for me from the interview as a founder.  EaseMyTrip is a bootstrapped ticket reservation platform run by Prashant and his two brothers. The company has been listed in India and is now a public limited.  …