We all make a bucket list. How about we also make a list and keep it near us of all the things we are thankful for. Born in India Great parents and siblings Amazing teachers and education Friends who are to give shoulders in pain Great team to work with. Mentors guiding and showing the …
Author Archives: Atul
I was reading Ashtavakra-Gita yesterday. Thanks to Nirajan for recommending me. It is a 60-page discourse between King Janak and his guru Ashtavakra. I found the section on Bondage and Liberation hitting hard to me. I felt like sharing the same here. When the mind desires or grieves things, accepts or rejects things, is pleased …
“You are what you eat.”, said a doctor friend to me last week. We are living in a different world post COVID. Some of us are on Long COVID. Its cure is still under process. It has made us take our minds and body more seriously. As we age, we are only deteriorating on the …
Is shame a currency used by a few manipulators, religious leaders, or society? Why are we so vulnerable to shaming? The other day while speaking to a friend’s son heard about how other folks in his class make fun of his ponytail. Some of us are scared of sharing our photos on social media because …
It takes effort to make a peer group or adjust to a new glittery world. It requires a lot of learning and unlearning. It requires not taking anything personally and growing a thick skin. Unlearning is mostly on stereotypes and underconfidence. Learning mostly on grabbing all the opportunities coming on the way. We have limited …
Social media is full of stories about depression and how it is killing us all silently. Is depression a disease? Are we born with it, some hormonal deficiency causing it? Or could it be our inflammable gut? If it requires medical support, we can cure it. Is it not? But what about self-inflicting depression? The …
How can we live a life without expectations? Are we not living in a society whose fabric is cemented by expectations. Be it parents, friends, or siblings: each has their wishlists or the way they want us to be for them. Bhagwad Gita says expectations are the root cause of our misery. And stoic philosopher …
Be here now
Be here now is Ram Dass’s journey of life. The book starts with his origin and love for psychedelics and ends with him landing in India and meeting his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba. A good amount of pages in a book are his scribbles under psychedelic state. I liked reading the book and knowing how …
being idle
We are living in the hustle culture. We have to be always online, always doing something. We measure our blood glucose, sleep, water intake, and whatnot. In the modern era of watching, Netflix has become the definition of being idle. Sitting silently, doing nothing, or getting disconnected from the world is unimaginable. Our history suggests …
Propaganda, marketing, or public sentiments has one thing in common: “narrative.” People agree, buy, relate or join a movement over narrative. Take an example of crypto-mania: the movement started with the narrative of changing the banking system and making a better financial world. It has ended up with jobless youth getting into multi-level marketing. Edward …