
The modern-day organization has gone bonkers, managers have become a surveillance machine. How does it matter what an employee wears and what time he comes and goes back from work? Why does he need to share his social media details or his affiliations to the management? I thought startups were about innovation and creativity. Nobody …

Screen sucking

I am reading this book: driven to distraction at work. It talks about our screen consumption addiction. As per a 2006 report: enterprises are losing $200+ billion/year because of distraction at work. Reading this book reminds me of myself, how distracted and less focused I have been all this while. Many other books like Hooked, …

food and biology

Till class 10th, reading biology was all about cleaning exams. That notion of mine has changed over the past decade. I have realized it is important to understand my body and its limitations. I am getting old every day. I particularly focused on understanding human microbiome and neurotransmitters. It made me realize the importance of …

Unreasonable expectations

Every partnership comes with a lot of expectation. There is not much difference in finding a co-founder or a life partner. Both have the same set of expectations and trust. A proper matchmaking and understanding the factors forging partnership is a must. It is still not guaranteed for success, but at least I have first …