OpenStack 5th Birthday celebration Bangalore India.

  OpenStack itself has come a long way and the birthday celebrations witnessed over 40 enthusiastic participants. We spent most of the time discussing Openstack while answering intriguing questions about the project the development and the overall ecosystem. It was good to see creative upstream contributors talking to the newer developers, sharing their experiences and …

Technology as we saw in 2014.

I know i am little late in posting this, but wiseman said its better late than none. 2014 was year with announcement all around technology.  It had some surprises as well & biggest of all MSFT taking .Net to open source. Cloud Foundry foundation announced. This announcement will add more value/credibility to overall project. Other vendors/enterprise …

OpenStack Summit, Hong Kong

To those who don`t know i have joined SwiftStack as community/solutions engineer. Most of my time during this  summit i spent meeting a lot many interesting people around our booth. I was more interested in whats HOT from OpenStack Swift front & Mario wrote a nice blog summarizing over all talks sessions related to Swift. …

Happy Birthday OpenStack #OpenStack3Bday

Current Mood (Excited)   What an incredible journey this has been. We are celebrating 3rd birthday of OpenStack, the Open Source cloud computing software for building clouds. We have had awesome journey so far and will continue rocking.     How it started? Rackspace + NASA = OpenStack   Where are we now? [2]  Rackspace …

RabbitMQ webUI & Ubuntu

I heard about RabbitMq webUI from my friend Ritesh. I felt it will be helpful for anyone who wants to understand queue workflow playing with OpenStack. After reading found this for getting the same on Ubuntu 12.04. Installing RabbitMQ Server # apt-get install rabbitmq-server Checking list of installed plugin. # rabbitmq-plugins list [ ] amqp_client …