Can you match the salary of your team member with what your well-funded competitor has offered him? Some people move for better pastures and, you cannot stop them. Change and moving on is a continuous journey of our life. We have build capitalism, our society on money and most follow it. On the contrary, what …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Other India
There is an India where we still celebrate Holi, Diwali, and smaller festivals. There is an India where eating out once/month is a celebration. There is an India where less is more. There is an India where a child gets incentivized for a new dress by scoring well in exams. There is an India where …
I have been noticing some trends in the sales process. I have been able to connect and close most of my sales via the referral. In some cases exiting customers vouched for us and in many other friends whom I helped one or the other way in their journey. The relationship I built in my …
What has happened to us? Have we stopped celebrating small milestones? Are we not happy with smaller wins? The meaning of success and happiness has altered with time. We want everything huge, big. We are so much busy seeing the bigger pictures that we have forgotten seeing smaller joys. The smell of soil after the …
Has the scent of agarabaati reminded you of your mother’s evening prayers? Or has it remained you of your ex, the fragrance of perfume at the client’s meeting? I wonder why our brain acts this way by throwing our past. Everything comes to a halt. Positive association of it brings a smile. We end up …
I got lucky that someone trusted me, gave me the opportunity. I would not have reached this far in life without it. My mother was adamant seeing me go to Delhi for higher studies. Coming to Delhi, making great friends, and amazing teachers helped me to learn and grow. As I grew in the profession, …
I understand ESOP is the hot cake in our industry. But is money the only indicator of ownership in an organization? What about responsibility, feeling on oneness, and belonging to the organization? A company has to provide radical freedom and fearlessness to its team. That is when they will experiment, question, and come up with …
We, humans, are conditioned to live in a society and worship a leader. A leader can be a politician, caste leader, or religion affiliated godman. We humans will bow to a leader and, that keeps the leader’s aura in place. Leaders lose the moment they lose the respect of followers whom he rules. Leader unites …
Why is it so difficult to accept our mistakes? Is it more to do with never go wrong attitude created by society or our ego. I see endless thought leadership and fight on twitter now and then. On many occasions, one person shares something controversial, incorrect, and fights until the end to hold the ground. …
Has it ever occurred to you when you have become too obsessed with something? That obsession could be about work, person, or possession. Has it helped anyone being obsessed? Or it has fostered panic, fear, or sleeplessness? I spoke to a few friends. Their answers were mixed. Some said being obsessed about anything is like …