
We are surrounded by humans with a different mindset. Some as cheerleaders, collaborators, believers while few others as naysayers.

It is important to rationally approach inputs of naysayers. It should not be discarded. They are the ones who will give you inputs which you would not have expected from your dear ones.

Seeing the feedbacks and rationally analyzing over it helps. Being emotional or being egomaniac will add up to your blind spot.


Better seems like a mantra for humanity.

For Socrates, acquiring self-knowledge was a path for becoming better. Alexander stood fighting for a better empire.

Our quest for becoming better every day is keeping us together. With advancement in our lifestyle and easy access to food, we are focusing on other aspects of us.

Better is the key pillar of the marketing and advertising industry.

  • Want to be healthy, drink this daily protein supplement.
  • Want to perform better in the next marathon, eat these.
  • Want to continue looking better at old age, start using anti-aging cream.

Like a lab rat, we are on a treadmill, running for being better. Some externals are directing us towards it.

We are moving far away from ourselves and what should have been our priority: the better soul is getting erased.


I used to be an avid talker. I had my box full of topics to debate over thanks to my over-consumption of TV, Twitter, and Reddit.

Over the past few years, I have learned the virtue of listening and silence. It has truly transformed me in better self.

The virtue of listening has helped me with not taking an instant or rash decision. In crude terms, I am using my prefrontal cortex more efficiently.

The advantage of listening is that you won’t burn yourself in arguing non-rationally.

The acceptance of the truth that “I don’t know anything” helps in seeing the world very logical.


We meet people at various phases in our life. Some while we were studying together and others at a workplace. The hyper-connected world and social media platforms have bought us closer.
I wonder if we need to keep track of everyone. How does it matter what my kindergartner friend is doing to his son on Instagram? I found it awkward meeting those old pals, I had nothing to talk. It was like we were different human beings.
Does it make sense to chase old connections because social media wants us to?

Kid glove

I grew up in a protective environment. It was like parents always watching and telling what I should not do.

I realized this because of yesterday’s conversation. My friend interpreted in disguise:- How can you not know how to drive a car or bike? My parents always insisted that I should not ride a bike or car because of risks.

It will be unwise to blame them because I have done many other things in life which insisted I should not do.

I have no interest in machines, bikes. I see them as a mode of transport or getting work done, unlike society status.

Will I learn how to ride a bike or car? Will I own one? I don’t know.


It is that part of the year when most of us are on vacation. In the US and Europe, it is time for celebration and meeting relatives/family. We in India with our diversity, we regularly get vacations.

Anyways, this post is more about those who call themselves being on vacation and still hyper-connected on the internet. I don’t understand this. Why do you have to reply to official email or comment on pull requests, you are on vacation. You are supposed to spend time away from the computer and worrying about your feature amendments.

Who should I blame, capitalism or our stupidity or is it our insecurity? Why do we have to check emails when it is time to be with family and celebrate.

If you are running a company, it has to be your responsibility so that your peers know that when it is time for vacation. They should relax, think and spend time with self and family.


I was watching this documentary HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis. It made me realize how vulnerable we are. The butterfly effect kind of phenomenon is for real. Small bunch of people are leading how human race should think, act or behave.

Take some time off your busy schedule and watch it now. You can thank me later.

On Visualization

I was reading The Truthful Art by Alberto Cairo. The book talks about principles on visualization and infographics. It relates well to designing a product.

These are some of my scribbles, I remember tweeting them as well.
1. Clarity and depth are paramount in infographics.
2. A data visualization is a display of data designed to enable analysis, exploration, and discovery.
3. It has to be customization for each person needs.
4. The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.
5. Getting information as right as possible with clarity.
6. We should avoid self-serving bias.
7. We should be truthful and honest to our audience.
8. A graphic that is truthful, functional, beautiful and insightful has the potential of enlightening as well.
9. What you design is never exactly what your audience ends up interpreting. So reducing the misinterpretation is crucial.
10. We snap judge if we have the necessary knowledge for it or not.
11. Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.

The principle
* More truthful.
* Accurate
* Informative
* Understandable

The method
* Think about the task you want to enable or message you wish to convey.
* Try different graphics format.
* Arrange the component of the graphics.
* Test the outcome yourself.

Great business model

I was going through my notebook and found notes from some book on a business model. I will update the post with the book name if I find it.

One of the elegant business models is that which serves as a great foundation for future growth.

Attributes of a great business model.

1. Lots of recurring revenue. (generally over 50%)
2. High gross margin. (over 50%)
3. Low capital requirement.
4. Great return on asset employed. (close to 100%)