Random Thoughts: On Trust

So much has been written on Trust by so many scholars that I am not going to write or add anything.

But I will request you to ask yourself?

  1. Will you be interested in a relationship without trust?
  2. Will you be interested in working with someone whom you cannot trust?
  3. Will you buy a product from a particular brand which has been under multi-million $$ lawsuit for breaching trust.

In most honest circumstances the answer to all the above will be NO. We value trust in almost every realms of our life.

Are we doing enough from our side so others don’t lose trust on us?

The ice cream chronicle #1

After over a month I headed to Polar Bear for an ice cream. I was not craving for it but went because during the day I was served with shit load of sugar in my lunch. I thought why not make it a cheat day.

I have this tight cheat day eating policy, If I have to eat Biryani or Ice Cream I should walk and buy it myself.

I had 4 scoops of vanilla ice-cream (I think it was inhuman quantity). I was aware that this will not end well & I woke to and am feeling :

  1. full
  2. lazy
  3. boils on my face

I wonder If this side effect of eating Ice Cream is only on me or our entire generation gets effected. Anyways am feeling kind of Sugar high.

18 months back like most humans I too had a life where Friday meant going to Jimmy’s and gulping few ltr of beer  over rock music. After leaving bones out of the chicken wings, mostly we would march to corner house. I always had some space and motivation for finishing Death by Chocolate.

Things have changed since then, maybe I am getting old or have started observing myself more. Is it good or bad, I have no clue. All I know is that this moment is amazing & am on a joyride without alcohol & regular consumption of Ice Cream.

Notes from reading: Influence by by Robert Cialdini

Cialdini to me appears to be father of social psychology. The book is one of the best and hugely recommended to anyone who is in selling business. {Are we all not selling business these days? 🙂 }. This book was recommended to me by Anurag 

I would strongly recommend each and everyone to read this book, it will only make us smarter and aware about what is happening around us.  What tricks marketers or influencers are applying on us, making us buy more.

These are some key notes from the book:

  1. All well known principle of human behavior behavior says that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful if we provide a reason.  ex: Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I am in a rush?  the word “because” trigger an automatic compliance response. 
  2. The “expensive = good” stereotype had worked quite well especially to shopkeepers who are selling items to tourists on vacation in their country. Since those tourists have no prior information of the actual price of item hence “expansive = good” becomes de-facto measure of quality.
  3. Civilization advances by expanding the number of operations we can perform without thinking about them. Ex- e-commerce apps, social media sites like instagram, twitter and facebook.
  4. Contrast principle: Imagine visiting a store selling cloths and you want to buy a jeans and tie. You walk to sales guy and tell him what you are looking for. He will start showing you jeans first, once you buy jeans say for Rs 5000, you won’t mind paying Rs 900 for tie even though that would be the costliest tie in his store. This is because of Contrast principle, your mind gave up thinking about the price of Tie rather it compared price you paid for jeans to the price you are paying for tie.
  5. Reciprocation: In simple term, repaying the favor offered to us. It could be as simple as : if a couple invites us to a party, we should be sure to invite them to one of ours. 
  6. Rejection-then-retreat technique : You want me to agree on certain request. One way to increase your chances would be first to make larger request of me, one that most likely i will turn down. Then, after I have refused, you would make the smaller request that you were really interested in all along.
  7. Consistency: once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we would like to stick to it. Our mind will respond in ways that justify our earlier decision. The drive to be (and look) consistent constitutes a highly potent weapon of social influence,  often causing us to act in ways that are clearly contrary to our own best interests. EX: My friends b/f is an asshole, he fights with her almost every week still she continues living with him. she thinks he still is best person for her and things will get better in future. We all fool ourselves from time to time in order to keep our thoughts and beliefs consistent with what we have already done or decided.   
  8. Commitment: If i can get you to make commitment, I will have set the stage for your automatic and ill considered consistency with earlier commitment. Once a stand is taken, there is a natural tendency to behave in ways that are consistent with the stand.
  9. Foot-in-the-door technique:  The tactic of starting with a little request in order to gain eventual compliance with related larger requests.
  10. Compliance professionals also know about the committing power of written statements.  Members of the staff at Amway are asked to set individual sales goals and commit themselves to those goals by personally recording them on paper.
  11. Evidence suggests that the more effort that goes into a commitment, the greater is its ability to influence the attitudes of the person who made it.
  12. Whenever one takes a stand that is visible to others, there arises a drive to maintain that stand in order to look like a consistent person.
  13. Throwing a lowball: An advantage is offered that induces a favorable purchase decision; then, sometime after the decision has been made but before the bargain is sealed, the original purchase advantage is deftly removed. Automobile dealers have come to understand the ability of a personal commitment to build its own support system, a support system of new justifications for the commitments.
  14. Stomachs are not especially perceptive or subtle organs. Only when it is obvious that we are about to be conned are they likely to register and transmit the message.
  15. Social Proof:  We tend to stick or follow others in making decisions blindly.  Take an example: Each one of your friends buys house, you too will end up buying because you will feel Missing out and without realizing the ill effect of your decision you will follow the herd mentality.
  16. Pluralistic ignorance: The tendency for everyone to be looking to see what everyone else is doing can lead to a fascinating phenomenon. ex: Your chance of getting help on road accident is less because everyone is waiting or hoping for everyone else to act. Also each one think that the other person will help him.
  17. We will use the actions of others to decide on proper behaviour for ourselves, especially when we view those others as similar to ourselves. Another study found that children who saw a filk depicting a child’s positive visit to the dentist lowered their own dental anxieties principally when they were the same age as the child in the child.
  18. The most influential leaders are those who know how to arrange group conditions to allows the principle of social proof to work maximally in their favor.
  19. Like: We most prefer to say yes to the requests of someone we know and like.
  20. Physical attractiveness,  similarity, compliments, contact and cooperation some key areas which will increase your likeliness among peer, organizations.
  21. We are trained from birth that obedience to proper authority is right and disobedience is wrong.
  22. Notions of submission and loyalty to legitimate rule are accorded much value in each.
  23. When in a click, whirr mode, we are often as vulnerable to the symbols of authority as to the substance.
  24. Title: Titles are simultaneously the most difficult and the easiest symbols of authority to acquire.
  25. Cloths: A second kind of authority symbol that can trigger our mechanical compliance is clothing.
  26. Scarcity: When our freedom to have something is limited, the item becomes less available,  and we experince an increased desire for it. We need to make sense of our desire for the item, so we begin to assign it positive qualities to justify the desire.
  27. Our typical reaction to scarcity hinders our ability to think. When we watch something we want become less available, a physical agitation sets in. Especially in those cases involving direct competition, the blood comes up, the focus narrows, and emotions rise. As this visceral current advances, he cognitive, rational side retreats.

Notes from reading: Nudge by Richard H Thaler

Spent reading Nudge this week. It was recommended to me by Anurag

First half of the book reminds me of content and research papers discussed by  Cialdini in his book Influence and  Kahneman in Thinking fast and slow

Nudge is a conscious kick we an individual need in making decisions. It can be ads simple as buying grocery (nutritional fact) or buying cigarette (it causes cancer).

I like the other examples and stories where it talks about human cues, Status Quo bias  and Social proof in examples of buying house or picking investment portfolio and distributing our wealth.

Other coverage and research paper of our fear of risk aversion {Cialdini has covered it as well} sounds so ridiculous human brain. Like we are more unhappy losing 500$ in bet rather winning 10000$. 🙁

We love taking shortcut steps when it comes to decision making as big us picking insurance plan, retirement plan or even taking loan.  So if we are provided with defaults options in all these choices, most of us will stick to it.

In all the book covers great deal of use cases including savings, Social Security, credit markets, environmental policy, health care, marriage,  subprime mortgage disaster and much more.

Author has made 2 claims via the book:

  1. The first is that seemingly small features of social situations can have massive effects on people’s behavior; nudges are everywhere, even if we do not see them. Choice architecture, both good and bad, is pervasive and unavoidable, and it greatly affects our decisions.
  2. The second claim is that libertarian paternalism is not an oxymoron. Choice architects can preserve freedom of choice while also nudging people in directions that will improve their lives.

Do you know?

  1. One key cause of the subprime mortgage disaster is that countless borrowers did not understand the terms of their loans.
  2. The healthcare plan website for picking medicine and allocating policy was so difficult that many older could not decide which plan to take.
  3. Many countries has default organ donation practice and opt out takes lot of time and most of us never spend time on same.
  4. Your mobile provider gives you few services for first month from on boarding because they know you will never look your bills for this added fees from months onwards.

Random Thoughts: On Religion

Right after birth, society mask comes to you in various forms :

  • name
  • race
  • religion
  • caste
  • sub-caste
  • middle class, upper class or poor

I will focus on Religion on this post.

I have friends who never miss going to Hanuman Temple on Tuesday for prayers, also some who visits mosque on Friday along with others visiting church on Sunday.

You are visiting to these places, shrines in hope of your wish getting fulfilled and then once you are out you meet real people who are poor and asking for money or prasad{sweets}. In the end both of you are asking for something.

It is good to be god fearing, but who is this god and where is he/she? 

  • If your heart is not clean.
  • If you are not taking care of people you live with or circle around you.
  • If u r not empathic with your environment.

What is the purpose of these Sunday prayers, Tuesday prayers or Friday prayers. Are these not worthless?

We have been conditioned for centuries by these so called religious leaders to fight for religion, create divisions and kill millions of poor humans.

Which god or religion has told us to kill, convert or conquer civilization for religion?

Every now and then a mosque gets burnt or church gets hit by mob or temple walls are broken. Why is this happening?

Who is making most out of it?

Is it not these religious leaders or politicians by dividing and polarizing us in name of religion, caste, Shia-Sunni?

In Hindu religion women  are considered as avatars of Durga, Kali, Shakti at same time we are witnessing cases of molestation and rape incidents in India. What kind of duality is this?

God is inside you, inside your heart. Keep an open, honest heart think through and that god. Not the one created by society or by so called religious leaders who are part mess. Being true to self is being in temple. If god was asking for donation, who would have paid them. If god was going to eat all those sweets in temple, who would have offered it?

Random Thoughts: Why are we scared of losing?

Human mind is a monkey mind  as Naval says.

We are constantly worried about our future and  work hard towards making it better.  At times we get so busy in it that we forget about living in this very beautiful moment, the present which is constantly passing.

At the same time we start overthinking and end up becoming more scared.

  • losing job
  • losing our power,  influence
  • losing what we own right now
  • losing reputation
  • losing all the money
  • losing this big house, car, club membership
  • losing wife, Gf, friends
  • losing this position of CEO, CTO, CFO et all of the company

Why are we scared of losing at very first place knowing that most of these things are temporary. We have limited control over it.

In the end we are all alone, the things which we have control over is our ego and consciousness. We don’t have control over our body nor our mind and millions of thoughts it encircles.

Things which can make us better are :

  • Our  right set of virtues [1]
  • Understanding how to respond to a situation with right actions [2]
  • Having a known set of principles [3]

And last but not the least, living life moment by moment and living in present.



Notes from reading: Deep Work by Cal Newport

Finished reading Deep Work by Cal Newport. It is a 250 page odd read.

I had high expectation from the book considering the aura, marketing created around it. Still I guess am able to recover price I paid for buying this book with some learnings.

Cal has circled around his profession, Carl Jung secluded house, BIll Gates ability to focus during early days in coding and many famous personalities along with tonnes of research paper citations just to tell us that In this distracted world of social media, e-mail carrying out productive work which requires extreme cognitive load is getting difficult.

So what is the way out:

  1. Cut social media completely.
  2. Start dividing time and hours of your day into deep work [complete distraction free time, when you are disconnected from the world] and Shallow work [where you are replying e-mails, making presentation slides, meeting someone or talking over phone]
  3. Decide and prioritize what kind of emails to reply and what to ignore. Make the process more clear so you know precisely what you want or sender wants.

Does this deserves as a book:

In my opinion, a nice 5-10 page blog would have been easy to summarize and saved millions of hours readers of this book spent on it.

My Learnings:

  1. Dividing my work schedule when am in deep work mode, no distraction.
  2. Layout a plan on being more aware about social media time consumption.
  3. Prioritize what meetings to take and what to reject [politely].
  4. Be more aware on replying emails and time consumed in cleaning inbox

If you have also read the book and got something more to add which I might have missed, please let me know.


Notes from reading: On shortness of life by Seneca

Senaca was one advisor to emperor Nero from Rome. He was also one of the founding father of stoics school of philosophy.  In this chapter Seneca writes about our life  and how short our life is in general.

These are some notes from the book:

  1. Life is short, art is long.
  2. Our life is amply long for him who orders it properly.
  3. It is not that we have a short space of time, but that we have waste much of it. Life is long enough, and it has been given in sufficiently generous measure to allow the accomplishment of the very greatest things if the whole of it is well invested.
  4. Can anyone have the hardihood to complain of the pride of another when he himself has no time to attend himself?
  5. In guarding their fortune men are often closefisted, yet, when it comes to the matter of wasting time, in the case of the one thing in which it is right to be miserly, they show themselves most prodigal.
  6. You have all the fears of mortals and all the desires of immortals.
  7. Hoe late it is to begin to live just when we must cease to live! What foolish forgetfulness of mortality to postpone wholesome plans to the fiftieth and sixtieth year, and to intend to begin life at a point to which few have attained!
  8. Among the worst i count also those who have time for nothing but wine and lust; for none have more shameful engrossments.
  9. Everybody agrees that no one pursuit can be successfully followed by a man who is busied with many things.
  10. It takes the whole of life to learn how to live, and – what will perhaps make you wonder more – it takes the whole of life to learn how to die.
  11.  It takes a great man and who has risen far above human weakness not to allow any  of his time to be filched from him, and it follows that the life of such a man is very long because he has devoted wholly to himself whatever time he has had.
  12. Everyone hurries his life on and suffers from a yearnings for the future and a weariness of the present. But he who bestows all of his time on his own needs, who plans out every day as if it were his last, neither longs for nor fears the morrow.
  13. The greatest hinderance to living is expectancy, which depends upon the morrow  and wastes to-day. You dispose of that which lies in the hands of fortune, you let go that which lies in your own.
  14. Life is divided into three periods – that which has been, that which is, that which ill be. Of these the present time is short, the future is doubtful, the past is certain.
  15. The engrossed, therefore, are concerned with present time alone, and it is so brief that it cannot be grasped, and even this is filched away from them, distracted as they are among many things.
  16. O, what blindness does great prosperity cast upon our minds!
  17. You win love in an office in which it is difficult to avoid hatred; but nevertheless belive me, it is better to have knowledge of the ledger of on’e own life than that of the corn-market.
  18. A hungry people neither listens to reason, nor is appeased by justice, nor is bent by any entreaty.
  19. It is more difficult for men to obtain leisure from themselves than from the law.

Notes from reading: Hooked by Nir Eyal

I got to know about Hooked from One of my friend Chetan, as i was trying to understand why i am addicted to social media sites.

Reading the book gave me the insight how our attention is getting hacked by these apps and how these product developers are playing with our mind.

I could relate myself being Pavlov’s dog  wanting notification to satisfy my urge. To some of those who are not aware, mobile apps addiction provides us more satisfaction that Sex or consuming heroine or other drugs.

You might be surprised to know but the social media applications like Twitter, Facebook, Tinder, Instagram is designed more keeping psychology in mind than looks and feel of the app. 

These product developers have added all the psychology research inside the product as ingredients, some can be read here :

  1. Pavlov’ classical conditioning
  2. B F Skinner operant conditioning
  3. BJ Fogg variable rewards

I need to learn more to understand and relate to this, social media addiction is no less than slot machine and poker player addiction, read this interesting article from Verge  to know more.

Coming back to Nir Eyal book. According to him any Habit forming product has 4 components.

  • Trigger
    1. External
    2. Internal
  • Action

  • Reward
    • Tribe
    • Hunt
    • Self
  • Investment
    • Want the users to keep coming, add information and share details.


I added a twitter stream on the same

I would strongly recommend everyone to read this book.

Also read Jade Shyu medium post for more on the book content

Also read this post from The Verge on how social media apps are adding the slot machine equivalent addiction


Looking back at 2017

Pheww. 2017 is almost gone, what a fantastic year this has been so far.  

The year went by like a joyride with it’s own share of happiness, pain, losses and learnings. The best part of it all is that am still breathing and all of my body parts are working alright. In short, everything has been fantastic.

I am going to write some of my learnings for 2017 :

  1. Reading helps, it gives better picture and dimensions about every realm of life.
  2. Helping others without expecting anything in return is a wonderful act.
  3. Exercise, meditation are some great virtues and should be added in our daily routine like breathing or taking a leak.
  4. What we eat plays a good role in our overall well being, mental and physical.
  5. Social media is new drug and selling platforms are making billions out of it.
  6. Being aware about our actions can do wonders.
  7. Never do business negotiations especially related to payments over phone, most of the time it will have bad outcome for both side.
  8. When angry, switch off cellphone or disconnect from internet. It will help in getting back to situation in more rational way.
  9. You will be fooled by people around, they will take money, they will disappear. All you could do is to forgive or improve decision making technique.
  10. Things will always fuck up and never happen the way we assume. It is good to have a backup plan.
  11. Depression is a disease caused more because of the society construct.
  12. Life is too short & death is reality. We can do best to live in present learning from the failures of past and hoping for better future.
  13. Lucky are those who get mentors in every realm of life, being honest, trustworthy and empathetic with mentor helps.
  14. Spending time with family and parents should get equal importance to daily work.
  15. Working with people you like and respect increases chances of overall success.
  16. Being honest with team, organization and members adds more organizational positivity and overall team performance.
  17. Everyone should fall in Love at least once[for unlucky ones, keep trying].
  18. People will walk in our life and will disappear with or without a reason, we should accept the reality and move on.
  19. Our thoughts and mind plays biggest role in making us belive what we want to belive.
  20. With patience, perseverance and persistence attaining a goal becomes much easier.
  21. Believing in what they say on TV or what your parents have made you belive is not always true.
  22. Little act of kindness has great reward in itself.
  23. Nobody has rights to tell us what we are not capable of or cannot do. We as individual are masters of our own destiny.
  24. Giving importance to those who regard our time and are honest to us helps and keeps insanity in check.

Would love to know what all you readers have learnt from 2017.

In the end wishing you all a prosperous new year ahead, be good. Cheers!!