
We are all unique, and so is our story. No two person has similar experience and views about the world. A lot depends on how much we have gone through life, traveled, or read.

Humans come in all shapes: happy, angry, or mad. It is not that they are of nature by themselves, but conditioning has its role.

A traumatized kid won’t be attached to anyone while growing up. A bullied kid is not going to make friends.

We are all different with a unique stories. We are lost in ourselves, we have no time to look beyond our pain, misery, or happiness.


We are told and taught about multitasking. How much can it scale? The more I see my friends traveling on multiple, the more I get scared of how they manage their time.

We have a finite time in life, and success differs for us all. What matters is being good, happy, and cheerful with our life. Can we do it by running as a headless chicken doing multiple things or focusing on one thing?

Cognitive ability deteriorates with time, and doing one thing can help us stay sane and prolonged.


Who are we other than our thoughts and consciousness?
We observe, act and take actions.

Did Mozart, Van Gogh, Gandhi, Michelangelo, or Socrates go for emotional support and advice before what they created? In most cases, they had a lot of self-belief, affirmation, and radical optimism.

The more people I meet, the more I feel we are a herd looking for others’ approval. Why can we not fail, experiment, learn and excel?

The more we seek outside emotional support, the more we become dependent. How far can someone take us?

We create a mental manifest, make everything impossible for ourselves and then expect some messiah to come and rescue us and take us to a new height.

The more we go looking outside for all the answers, support and encouragement the more we will get empty from within. Seek inside for the answers.


We are all travelers, moving with the earth every day. But in biological terms, we are all unique. Our thoughts, ambition, and observation significantly differ. This mismatch or the stage of our life journey distinguishes us. What one person prioritizes might be insignificant to another. This is the mismatch.

Most relationship personal or professional gets stalled because both partners are not on the same journey.


Have we stopped thinking? Is it because our mind is too crowded with externalities: social media, Netflix, and all? What is wrong with thinking?

Are we too scared to sit idle for a few hours doing nothing, just observing ourselves and our thoughts? Are we too afraid of our own company?

We call ourselves busy but for doing what: wasting time on things least meaningful to us? Or by stress shopping?

We rule the animal kingdom because we think, observe, and have consciousness and rationality (a few).

letting go

Letting go is a painful experience, and attachment, ego, or sunk cost: all play their role. We act like a fool and keep expecting things to work our way instead letting go.

All philosophies and religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Greek Stoics preached to us about it. All mentioned impermanence and the importance of living in the present.

Have you asked yourself how many days and hours you spent crying, getting angry instead of letting go of someone or something?

founder’s curse

Running a startup is not easy. I have been building Taghash for over six years and am lucky to have Krishna with me. We didn’t have a smooth sail. I felt like adding some learning to our journey. I call it the founder’s curse because as a founder, we don’t get everything.

  1. A founder’s job is lonely at the top.
  2. Founders are responsible for all the failures.
  3. The success gets distributed among all.
  4. A founder has no personal or professional life. They are 24/7 in their startup.
  5. Find a partner who understands this. Else stay unmarried or single.
  6. Your team and customers are more important than anyone else. Treat them all with care.
  7. Avoid media, press, or glitz. Focus on building business.
  8. Stay away from taking advice from any random stranger or folks. You live 24/7 in the journey. You understand the pain more than anyone else.
  9. Spend time on personal well-being. Pick yoga, running, dancing, or whatever keeps you energized.
  10. Disappear from the world, rejuvenate, read, plan and ideate.
  11. Find mentors in front of whom you are naked, who will not judge you or laugh at your vulnerabilities.


We can’t fix anyone, especially who are happy living in their default. We feel like we are helping them, but the reality is that they don’t need us. We are more of a distraction in their troubled life and increases their trauma.

Time is a healer and rest all depends on self. Nobody can fix anybody unless they are willing to take external help. I have witnessed half a dozen such incidents in the last few months.