FedEx principles

Every company has a set of guiding principles on which it’s journey is cemented. These guiding principles come from the founders. 

The author of the customer chapter has written the principles of FedEx in the book. I am adding a condensed except below: 

  1. Our People: Our people are free to express themselves- their likes and dislikes towards each other and towards the company as a whole. 
  2.  Our Service: Our on-time delivery is consistently at 95% or better regardless of the obstacles. We treat every customer contact as we want to be treated. 
  3. Our profit: The ideal station doesn’t treat profit as an end, but rather as a means to an end- a way to grow, a way to attain a higher standard of living, a way to provide more jobs- jobs that are not make-work because we want to cover every potential challenge, but rather jobs that have the challenge of life- jobs that require ideas, decisions, and actions- jobs that provide expression to each individual in each of these areas with the result being the positive feelings of a job well done. 
  4. Our workplace: The ideal station recognizes the need for cleanliness and organization to provide each individual the ability to live up to his or her potential. 
  5. Our Interface: The ideal station team members realize that their station is not an island. It is part of a system- a greater team of individuals who need certain things to do their part-on-time departures, accurate and timely reporting, attention-to-details in every step.