We have to find our path in this journey of life. We will get mentors and loved ones in the journey. But the path has to be chosen by ourselves. Our allocated time on this planet is limited, following someone else’s path will do no good. We have to ask ourselves about what we want …
Author Archives: Atul
It requires coming out of comfort to lead a life on your own. I keep hearing from a few friends about starting up or settling down for past 3/4 years. Everything comes with a tradeoff. Either you keep sucking to your boss for a monthly salary or work on the dream idea. The dream idea …
opportunity cost
Am I happy with my current job? Am I happy in my current relationship? Is this what I wanted in my life? Am I doing engineering because I have to make parents wish come true? I am okay about buying a house and paying EMI for the next 20 years? Opportunity cost is a great …
There are few days when I don’t feel like writing. There are a few days I end up writing half a dozen post. Is it because of my mental state? I don’t know. It is not that I don’t like to write. It is just that I have no clue what to write on. Instead …
We are fighting about creating or being part of a network. Every minute we are weaving a network. We are either lightly or tightly connected to a network. These networks are no less than oxygen. It can be your running, riding, eating club.
We are slaves to our thoughts. Our past experiences govern many of our actions in the present. We respond and react to a situation according to those experiences. Sometimes this can act in our favor and many times not. Charlie Munger calls it the man with a hammer syndrome.
This moment is what matters. Time is flying, death is getting closer. Why do we have to dwell on past, cry on the mistakes? Can’t we like now, this moment? The hope for better tomorrow is upon us, we are disguised. Everything is in now. What is holding us, why can’t we do now what …
Do we need a teacher? Can we not acquire wisdom seeking self-learning? Why do we need bait for our judgments and decisions in our life? Why do we have to pay in money or surrender for curing our ignorance? Why can’t we acquire self-knowledge?
Values are the core of any organization. It can make or break them. Same applied to us individuals as well. For some, it is a sermon or principle of life. It is important to have your value without any fear or pressure. A value should be out of the religious, social or cultural purview. It …
We take so many things for granted in our life. We forget the fact that we age. When was the last time you spoke to your grandparents? Do you know they are getting old, their memories are fading with time? This is the moment they need you around them. The bedtime story, the mangoes, and …