Why do we waste our time on things which has no meaning to our life? Bitching about government or giving an opinion on subjects we have no knowledge is of any help? Our time is limited, we still spend a good amount of it in the non-essentials. The relationship which has no value, the communication …
Author Archives: Atul
Having a daily set of tasks to do has made me more productive. I use a notebook and write daily tasks. Some of those are repetitive, I add them daily and strike it off once I am done with it. I remember meeting a friend and who suggested to me about this. He told me …
Does watching certain YouTube or listening to music effects of dreams. Are dreams combination of everything of everything we see and observe via our senses? The days or weeks am off YouTube/Netflix/Prime and on a reading zone, I get better sleep and calmer dreams. I will go do some research and find out more about …
Book notes: Made to stick
I read this book and It covers 6 essentials keys to build a sticky product. I have added some of my take-ups along with authors storytelling. Simple Simple things scale. A product which is simple gets better adoption. In the book, the Author talks about SouthWest airlines secret to profitability. A simple message to the …
Cold turkey
Why does it so happens when all of a sudden people stop replying or communicating? The other side gets into a situation he or she has no clue about. This is something very common in sales and relationship. You are pitching someone, on the face, they will show all their interest. After some time the …
Death is part of our journey, yet we are all scared about it. At the same time, we get busy with our errands and forget about living. We waste years regretting what we could have done when our parents were alive. We complain about our busy lifestyle. We are so connected yet so disconnected in …
As we age, our life journey crosses various paths. We make connections and shed some. Some help us in shaping better of ourselves while others not so much. Getting sad, angry or worried over someone making fun of: Looks Pedigree Life Achievement Virtue Principle or over rejections are not logical. In the end, we were …
We have conquered many diseases as we progressed. The discovery in science and medicine is nothing less than a miracle. These scientist and researchers are true gods. Modern life made everything better for us and gave rise to many new problems. We are more prone to dying of heart attack and diabetes than plague or …
Hiring seems to be like a big pain for an organization. Twitter and other platforms have many postings by various founders. Hiring is not an art or a science. It is more to do with treating humans as they are. Most of these companies treat engineers as resources with salary being key incentives. This incentive …
Typing Product on Google gives enough results. Heck, same goes for many available books on Amazon. We are in the era of building and product leaders are key stakeholders. There are so many methodologies and development practices which are used by these gurus. What I have understood with my limited consciousness is: A product has …