
You will be dependent(at the mercy) on everyone: employees, future customers, or other vendors; when you are tiny(started recently) your startup. It’s how the world works: make best from the most vulnerable. On the positive side, as a first-time founder: this is the best time of your companies journey to identify allies, friends, and long-time …

On democracy

Hallmarks of democracy include the following: Communication is decentralized, with multiple sources of information. Authority and power are constrained by a system of checks and balances. Agendas and goals are established through discussion, not by leader Fiat. There is a reciprocity of influence between leaders and citizens, as opposed to unidirectional influence from elites. Group …


While reading “Age of Propaganda”, I came across the subject of fear. It talks about how to generate fear on a group or individuals. These are some well-known trick marketers, politicians and preachers have been using. A fear appeal is most effective when: It scares the hell out of people It offers a specific recommendation …


I have been rejected a few times during job interviews. Most of the times reasons for rejection were not provided. It made me angry and sad at the same time. One of the principles I am trying to adhere to is to give genuine feedback and reasons for not hiring someone.