On democracy

Hallmarks of democracy include the following: Communication is decentralized, with multiple sources of information. Authority and power are constrained by a system of checks and balances. Agendas and goals are established through discussion, not by leader Fiat. There is a reciprocity of influence between leaders and citizens, as opposed to unidirectional influence from elites. Group …


I have been rejected a few times during job interviews. Most of the times reasons for rejection were not provided. It made me angry and sad at the same time. One of the principles I am trying to adhere to is to give genuine feedback and reasons for not hiring someone.

The Seven Sins of Memory

Psychology professor Daniel Schacter, proposes in The Seven Sins of Memory. Our memory weakens and we lose memory over time. We are preoccupied with distracting issues and don’t focus attention on what we need to remember. We search for information that we may be desperately trying to retrieve – something we know that we know …