Book notes: Made to stick

I read this book and It covers 6 essentials keys to build a sticky product. I have added some of my take-ups along with authors storytelling. Simple Simple things scale. A product which is simple gets better adoption. In the book, the Author talks about SouthWest airlines secret to profitability. A simple message to the …

Epictetus : Stoic philosopher

Epictetus was a Stoic philosopher. He was born into slavery and endured a permanent physical disability. Like Socrates, he too had not written anything. Some of his students collected his sayings and converted it into an Enchiridion (a book containing essential information on a subject.)I remember Chetan telling me about this book while I was …

On Visualization

I was reading The Truthful Art by Alberto Cairo. The book talks about principles on visualization and infographics. It relates well to designing a product. These are some of my scribbles, I remember tweeting them as well. 1. Clarity and depth are paramount in infographics. 2. A data visualization is a display of data designed …

Social media and Brain FUCK!!

Social media was on fire last week.It was almost buzzing & it had too much of information/opinion/emotion overflow. Two important things happened: USA Donald Trump won the presidential election of United States by defeating Hillary Clinton.  This means he will replace Obama to become next President of United States.                        This result followed mixed reaction from …