Stoic practices

The Little Book of Stoicism mentions 54 practice which the author recommends their users to follow. It will bring the reader closer to practicing stoicism. I am adding some of the most meaningful ones I could associate with: Accept And Love Whatever Happens Undertake Actions with a Reserve Clause Remind Yourself of the Impermanence of …

Mere association tendency

Our brain likes to take shortcuts. It is programmed to take quick decisions. That has been a reason we call it monkey mind. How many times did you buy ice cream or soap or soda because your favorite superstar was selling it? Go out and check the signboards people selling sugar associate it with Happiness. …

book notes: The Little Book of Stoicism

I spent last week reading The Little Book of Stoicism by Jonas Salzgeber. I was able to connect myself with what he has written. Stoicism is a school of Philosophy over 2000 years old. It has become more popular in the modern age. It mostly focuses on our thoughts and understanding self. Our life is …

Book notes: Made to stick

I read this book and It covers 6 essentials keys to build a sticky product. I have added some of my take-ups along with authors storytelling. Simple Simple things scale. A product which is simple gets better adoption. In the book, the Author talks about SouthWest airlines secret to profitability. A simple message to the …