Man is by nature a social animal. — Aristotle We like the people around us. We share our stories, mingle, jest and merry. It is like a lifeboat, helping us to pass the high tide. Find a network, be part of one or build one. As we age we will need more company, communication, and …
Category Archives: Life
I have been a longtime worshiper of process, grit, and perseverance. In my naive understanding, I had this belief I that I can achieve anything with the ingredients mentioned above. I had to do the rethinking last week after chatting with my friends on my pace and heart rate. On reading more I realized I …
Fix it
It is easy to complain about things around us. From traffic, plastic, corruption, pollution, corruption, Et all. This world is not perfect, it has got many opportunities for us. How about working together and fixing it. History tells us about it. From Martin Luther Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry Ford, Jamsetji Tata, Steve Jobs to Elon …
The Seven Sins of Memory
Psychology professor Daniel Schacter, proposes in The Seven Sins of Memory. Our memory weakens and we lose memory over time. We are preoccupied with distracting issues and don’t focus attention on what we need to remember. We search for information that we may be desperately trying to retrieve – something we know that we know …
It is sad how we start finding reasons for everything. We forget that our life is too short to overanalyze and stress in every situation. Things are going fine, but why? Things are going bad, but why? We try to build our imaginary thesis on every situation. How difficult it is to stay calm and …
Sometimes we laugh and make jokes on our peers. In the moment of time, we don’t realize it’s long term effect. The joke might not sound sexist or racist to us but it leaves its mark on a longer run. Keep laughter to a minimum; do not laugh too often or too loud. — Epictetus …
Loss aversion
We don’t like losing. It can be in a relationship, wealth or competition. What could be the reason: Our innate survival instinct? Ego Consistency We always like to continue winning or getting profit from our investments. It sounds irrational but we are more hurt losing something than gaining 2X the same. At the same time …
Social media is a double-edged sword. In one side it connects the world closer for good while on another it is for mercenaries. Mercenaries on social media are a set of people who are very prejudiced and biased. They are also agenda driven. In the past, we have seen many deaths because of these people. …
It is important to not forget everyone who helped you in shaping your present. Parents rank on the top followed. A few friends come next: the ones who helped and been honest with feedback’s. Your first boss who trusted you and gave you the opportunity to start a career or open your own company. He/She …
I want to know where I would die so I can never go there. — Charlie Munger I was reading this blog about Charlie Munger and I loved it. His principle of living life in the inversion is fascinating. I am trying to add a similar principle to myself. Instead of seeing or striving for …