Random thoughts: Apps will do the thinking.

Thanks to the hyper connected world of mobile internet. All we have to do is to install an app and let it do the rest for us. Swipe left/right for  a date. [mostly on your bias] Find a wife [Of course only if your caste/sub-caste, color matches  ] What we have to eat depends on …

Random Thoughts: Life or Auto Pilot?

Growing up in a middle class Indian family has its own set of limitations. Your family decides name for you. Society decides  your religion/caste. Your parents decide what you have to pursue in your career. Mom decides who you should marry & when you should have kids. The peer pressure on us drives us towards …

Random Thoughts: What makes us Unhappy?

Few weeks back, I asked a simple question on Twitter: What is cause of unhappiness? 🤔 — Atul Jha (@koolhead17) February 11, 2017 I ended up getting some interesting response. Ego: Most of us are driven by Ego, If it is hurt I have a new enemy and if  nurtured friendship continues. Expectation: We expect …

Notes from reading: The Way to Wealth: Ben Franklin on Money and Success (Franklin, Benjamin)

Benjamin aka Ben Franklin was one of the founding fathers of  USA. He was a self taught genius and made contribution in fields of  science, literature, politics and many more.  I am fascinated by him and it prompted me to read this book. Over the time, I will be reading more of his writings. These are …

Notes from reading: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda

Autobiography of a Yogi  was in my reading list for the past few months.  Last week I was able to finish reading it. The book as the title says is an autobiography of Paramhansa Yogananda. Paramhansa Yogananda with his teachings and  Kriya Yoga  changed life of many of us. He spent most of his time …

Social media and Brain FUCK!!

Social media was on fire last week.It was almost buzzing & it had too much of information/opinion/emotion overflow. Two important things happened: USA Donald Trump won the presidential election of United States by defeating Hillary Clinton.  This means he will replace Obama to become next President of United States.                        This result followed mixed reaction from …

Random Thoughts: Our Problems

Just got to know about maid’s daughter health condition, she went through heart surgery. Returned to work after 3 months & all those smiling security guards and house keeping staffs are replaced by new faces. I was told entire management got replaced by new vendor because they were cheaper. The hawker selling used cloths was …

Learning after turning 30+ some lessons & life forward.

I celebrated my 30 birthday last month & yes, I am three decades old now. Few of the lessons were learnt willingly but most of them forcefully imposed/taught the hard way.    Family comes first Avoiding alcohol can do magic to your health Run & exercise regularly for better physical and mental health Keep your …

Surge pricing debate: Question nobody asks

Surge pricing for taxi aggregators has been banned in Karnataka. While I have been reading the opinions of various people on different social media platforms on it, there are a few voices that are missing – taxi drivers. They’re the ones who really suffer from this ordeal, especially drivers who have bought cars on loan …