As a founder, you are aiming for perfection.It does not mean hand-holding and owning every responsibility.You have to hire owners within your organization.Otherwise, you will end up being the bottleneck, and it will slow down everything. A founder’s job is to find able executioners, not become a control freak and put a nose into every …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
In the early days of building your company, it is you alone and your belief in the product, market, idea, and execution. As the journey progresses, you realize there are many stakeholders. In short, you have a village to work with and for their success. You will not succeed if you are aiming for your …
One of the rules of negotiation is having real expectations of price. Because of our ongoing conversations, we forget to focus on the core. We start building castles and rope in for the journey together. When the conversation about price comes, we end up accepting the offer. The sunk cost and all the socializing and …
Malgudi days
I am watching Malgudi days again. It brings back childhood memories: from school to cricket matches to getting pampered by my grandmom. Some of its episodes remind me of my village and summer holidays. Sometimes in life, it feels great to see the progress and advancement. While growing up, school holidays were about eating mangoes, …
We live in a world where we create balloons of expectations. We become confident and take everything for granted. The life we are living is very cut-throat, and people are killing others for a few dollars. The last thing living without expectations will do: it will give you a peaceful sleep, whether things are working in your favor …
Some people think they will get an easy way out on the back of other hard-working co-founders. It will be an easy exit and fruitful operation with more intelligent co-founders to back them. It can work in the short run. In the long run, everyone has to perform. You are not in a government job …
We are a 70-plus-year-old independent nation now. Our democracy is the biggest in the world. Yet the current trend I am seeing ends up being the same during the election. Caste and religion are still playing central issues in elections. The discussion should have been on job creation, education, health, and food. I am reading …
We are a living validation machine. We are one of the millions in the faceless world of the internet. We want compliments from others. People we have never met to like, comment, and compliment us. We are hollow from the inside. We carry smiles for Instagram. Our relationship is testing waters, but we are a …
The advantage of believing in what people tell you on your face is that you don’t have to worry about the game they play. We live in a world where people play games. They will say something and mean something else. We have strategists, influencers, and others in the job profession for the same reasons. …
Our ego is behind all our rage and anger. The way we react to others with unmet expectations. Our life is not about running around and making the world be at our fingertips. There are things that we don’t have control over. We need to let it go. Not doing this will make us a …