Current Mood (Excited) What an incredible journey this has been. We are celebrating 3rd birthday of OpenStack, the Open Source cloud computing software for building clouds. We have had awesome journey so far and will continue rocking. How it started? Rackspace + NASA = OpenStack Where are we now? [2] Rackspace …
Category Archives: Ubuntu
vagrant and ubuntu
Vagrant was in my TODO for over one year, its good i finally played with it. I will explain what/how i installed it so whoever wants to play with it can easily deploy & use it. I tested in on ubuntu 10.04 (yeah my old box) but i would/will guarantee it will work on all …
RabbitMQ webUI & Ubuntu
I heard about RabbitMq webUI from my friend Ritesh. I felt it will be helpful for anyone who wants to understand queue workflow playing with OpenStack. After reading found this for getting the same on Ubuntu 12.04. Installing RabbitMQ Server # apt-get install rabbitmq-server Checking list of installed plugin. # rabbitmq-plugins list [ ] amqp_client …
OpenStack Summit, Portland & me.
I been lucky this time to attend the OpenStack Summit summit hosted in Portland. Why am saying lucky because :– (photo credit @nikiacosta) 1. I was finally able to meet a lot of developers and friends whom i been interacting over 2 years on IRC for help/support related to various OpenStack related issues. 2. I could …
OpenStack Swift in a box (folsom/ubuntu 12.04)
Last week i was at PES IT college, Bangalore for a workshop on OpenStack Swift. I had to get them (students) a hands on of the same. So i went through the video & resources which Joe Arnold created explaining about swift. ( So essentially what i have done here is extension of what was explained on Swiftatack …
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Ubuntu MIR & Rolling release.
Almost everyone from community has written in great length & depth about how recent rolling release and MIR announcement has been Canonical`s decision. I am not writing this blog to prove anyone wrong or taking side with anyone. What Canonical has done for community & spreading word of Linux has been incredible. They are an Enterprise and …
Event Report: OpenStack Day Bangalore 15th Dec 2012
We had great Openstack Day event in Bangalore, details of event and report can be found here
Announcing OpenStack Day 15th December Bangalore
We are organizing 1 day event on OpenStack in Bangalore on 15th december 2012. Details are available here See you at the event
Book Review: OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook
Publisher : Packtpub Author: Kevin Jackson (@itarchitectkev) This is one of the few published book on OpenStack. It uses Essex release of OpenStack. It uses Ubuntu Linux as base Operating System. All components Glance, Horizon, Keystone, Nova & Swift are explained along with installation steps along with both native OpenStack API and Eucatools(Ec2 API). One just needs …
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Event Report: Ubuntu Developer Summit, UDS-r
Returned yesterday from UDS after successful week long meetup. Thanks to Canonical for sponsoring me. It was great meeting all Canonical/Community folks. I attended most of the cloud & server tracks. Last not the least party was great and i had an amazing/terrible experience drinking Pisco bought by my friend from Peru. Looking …
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