I find it weird seeing people how they identify themselves on the basis of their caste, class, religion at all. Some showcase their wealth, while others their materialistic possessions.

In the end, we are a piece of meat and acquainted with the power of thinking (which we are on the verge of losing). We are conditioned with our society and biased with our own ideology.

How much of it and I matters?

Superiority complex

Still halfway through reading: the courage to be disliked, the author talks about the superiority complex.

Like the inferiority complex, the superiority complex comes to someone for his/her urge to cease power and respect.

One cannot get over the Superiority complex unless he/she stops craving for things in his/her way. With our cravings and urge to be liked, respected: this looks like a tough ask.


The easiest thing is giving assurance. Some people are just good at it. How much impact it makes in life, they don’t care.

Be very careful with picking someone as your last resort, it can hurt and make you weak.

Those who help don’t speak much, they keep giving without expectation.

Opportunity Cost

Being sad or living a miserable life is a choice. The reason for it could be anything from a job to a relationship.

I find it weird when people crib about their toxic work environment and how they are barely keeping up with their health. In the same conversation they mention, pay is great so they are continuing at it for their better future.

I also find it weird seeing friends continue to live in failed relationships because they are used to each other. Both sides have given up in finding a truce or moving on.

We are letting Sunk Cost fallacy dictate in most scenario. As a rational human, the Opportunity cost is what we should be caring for.

People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy.
― Seneca


While reading “Age of Propaganda”, I came across the subject of fear. It talks about how to generate fear on a group or individuals.

These are some well-known trick marketers, politicians and preachers have been using.

A fear appeal is most effective when:

  1. It scares the hell out of people
  2. It offers a specific recommendation for overcoming the fear-arousing threat
  3. The recommended action is perceived as effective for reducing the threat.
  4. The message recipient believes that he or she can perform the recommended actions.

This reminds of anti-tobacco and use condom for safe sex campaign.


We are living in an odd world. Dreams and working on making it true is limited for a few. Every now and then media glorifies success and we fall for survivor bias.

  • Ask a farmer about his dream who has got cheated by a banker in taking a loan.
  • Ask wife of an alcoholic about dreams and taking care of families end meets.
  • Ask a daughter who gave away her youth to feed her family and paying decades on medical bills for ailing mom.

This utopia we call society empowers a few lucky ones. Rest of us have forgotten about our dreams.


I have been rejected a few times during job interviews. Most of the times reasons for rejection were not provided. It made me angry and sad at the same time.

One of the principles I am trying to adhere to is to give genuine feedback and reasons for not hiring someone.


My previous job got me hooked to watching Star Trek Enterprise, AB gets the credit.

Some takeaways:

  1. As a captain of the ship, the first responsibility is the safety of its crew.
  2. It is easy to get blindsided with decision making. Our ego and bias can burst the entire ship.
  3. Handling crisis requires rationality and logic. There is no room for emotions.
  4. A capable Lieutenant will be an asset for the enterprise.
  5. Things will break, problems will arise. We are exploring in the uncharted territory, positivity helps.

Power problem

There comes a professional stage in most of our lives where we become a manager or a leader. Most of us earn it with hard work and grind. It makes us humble and empathetic.
There is another bunch of these folks who land into these positions without toiling hard. These are the power-hungry people, insecure and control freak. They are not empathetic and high on ego. They can screw up organizations principle and philosophy.


Humans like to leave their legacy. In princely states, kings would build castles, water fountains, and gardens. Tyrants, dictators and mass murders left us with many scars.

Our legacy should be our contribution to society and people around for good. How we have changed millions of lives in a positive way.

Most of those statues and castles are pigeonholes.