
We are a beast. Our ego drives everything. We like, dislike, and act on our ego. In most instances, we dislike being told to do anything. Have you seen a child? Tell them not to touch something; they will go after it.

Our brain is accustomed to not taking orders or advice. As a child attains adulthood, they want to revolt against their parents. Any advice they give is taken in a negative sense.

Let people make mistakes and learn from it. Don’t tell them what to do.


It’s 1 January 2025, so happy New Year to you all. Last year was great. It taught me many things, the most important of which is living in the now. We are so lost in our past successes and failures that our present life becomes a mirror of those experiences.

I feel great to have lived all last many years of my life in my conditions. I am close to my loved ones, working with a great team, and serving our customers (wrote a year-end wrap ).

Our lives are these fragments into which we dive every moment. It’s upon us as to how we utilize these moments. You can be thankful for everything you have or live in pain for what you don’t have.

Hanuman Chalisa

There are days and times when you need a lot more than all your intelligence, and hard work. These times beliefs and faith play a key role. In my case, it has been listening to Hanuman Chalisa. It has been more than chanting; it has been some cooling down and bringing it back to life.

I am sure, we all have our way of cooling ourselves, this is what has been my magic bullet.

Hanuman Chalisa meaning in Hindi

Hanuman Chalisa chanting


We dislike boring jobs. Something that requires us to put our heads down and deliver. It has no sexiness or glitters.

Our society runs on signals. With the advancement of social media, it has become big. We want to be out there bragging about what we have achieved and what we own.

There is no importance given to living and doing things in a boring way. In reality, it’s these boring jobs that are keeping humanity flourishing: science, engineering, research, and academia. It takes decades to find results and success, unlike virality or social media content creation.


Many leaders are scared of passing their batons to their subordinates. One reason could be that they are scared of seeing them fail, which could affect the morale of the entire team. Another reason could be that they are control freaks.

One thing I have learned about building a startup is that it is a team effort, not an individual win. At the same time creating a team with giving responsibility to newer blood is a mandatory virtue for success. A founder cannot run as a headless chicken with a nose into everything. When a team grows, scale and performance all suffer.

The solution is adding trust in the newer blood, allowing them to fail, learn, and grow. Sadly we live in a fast-paced, quick commerce world where humans have become robots and culture a battleground.


I was talking to a potential partner, a customer. One thing hit me, and I asked politely, “Why did you welcome me with open arms? In a world where everyone is a taker?”

His reply: “I try to live by this mantra: People will forget what you said and did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. I just try to be helpful.”

Imagine what this world would become if many of us had similar thoughts. It is like we are all chasing, we are all showing our masculinity and here we have someone exactly opposite.

How you make others feel matters above everything else.


There is some energy above who is looking at us. For me, it’s God. For many others, it can be aliens or whatnot.

Our actions are part of our virtues. But our belief defines us. There is some energy, coming and guiding us toward betterment. It can be consciousness, it can be something else for others.

In my opinion, there is some celestial power that guides us and tries to show us the way. We are all broken in some way, this godly power acts as a light in our lives.


We are living in a world of unlimited wants. Our needs depend on person to people. For some, there is no difference between the two. As a result, there is a constant battle.

There is action beyond all of it. Without action, we are mere mortals in dreams. The anger, jealousy, and animosity we feel when we see others mapping their wants and needs will only stop when we take action.

The adverse side of consumerism is an abundance of unlimited wants. We can only quest it with our actions. And keeping wants and needs in check.


Time and again in life: your fundamentals will be questioned. You will be lured by money or power. What keeps your ground intact is your virtues.

Life is not a bed of roses but a battleground where everyone, with their own opinions, is running for their wants. Their reasons, motives, and purpose define their actions. Most are obsessed.

When you go out, put your opinion and it affects the beliefs of the rest: you will be hated. Their ego will not make you liked by them. They will be up at arms and wait for every moment to bring you down.

To live, to be honest with yourself, stick to your virtues. Hold your ground. There will be a few who will like you for who you are. In the end, that is what matters.


Being an outsider has advantages when it comes to building. The most important is not being limited to a specific SOP. You can build with new tools and techniques. You have no leftovers or baggage to take care of.

When you fail, you fail with courage and responsibility being all on you. There is no one else, no system to point fingers at. In short, you are independent like a water stream.