
Every organization has a skin. It can be whether all conditions fall like a house of cards. We are seeing companies shutting and unicorn founders talking about profitability and revenue. It is against the skin these companies thrived upon. It will harm them more.

It’s the founders who decide what and how they are building a company. They pick the team and direct the organization. It is their skin and vision that comes into play.

Change takes time. It does not happen overnight. You can not reduce sales incentives or first-class perks overnight to change course, the skin of the organization.


A lot of startups are failing. The unicorns are having a tough time as well. Mass layoff is a common occurrence. The funfair of the bull market is taking its toll.

People who built companies in the shadow of 2007 know how much sweat it takes in building a successful enterprise. In most occasions, it was a team working together against all odds, be it market conditions, recession, or other external factors.

The incentive for an organization’s success should trump individuals. That is when together, it will shape like a perfect orchestra. That is when a successful organization gets built against all odds.

The power lies in being together.


A section of our society lives on the edge of the unknown. A small occurrence in life, they are devastated on all sides. The current war in the world is making things more difficult. We are becoming unequal. We have people leaving their home country and living like a refugee. Many left ancestral wealth, land, and homes to save lives.

The more I see the global news, the more I see divided humanity.

What do we need in life above all? Peace, shelter, and food. We are making it an infinite chase.


We can be guilty about anything. It is a state of our mind. Once someone gets into this mode, it becomes difficult for them to make a concrete decision. The externals supersede them. It can come from emotions, insecurity, and fear.

Think yourself about the number of times you have fallen trap of it. Your loved ones, parents, and your government try to pull this stunt on you. They will justify their opinion and make you believe your actions are wrong. You will be guilt-shamed and fall victim to the ploy.

Psychopaths, dictators, religious gurus, and manipulators know well how to invoke one’s guilt mode and make them do things they want.


Are we rich or poor with material wealth or with our actions?

I know a wealthy man who donated nothing till he died.

I also know someone who was born homeless and earned a little by working 12 hours and donating 25% of his earnings to the orphanage he lived. He said dogs or cats would have eaten him if the orphanage had not existed.

Who is rich here?


We carry masks upon us.
It can be due to our religion, upbringing, and teachings via our family values. As we grow old, the layer increases as per our experience and learnings.

Have you seen a little child?
Do they care about others?
Are they not naked and breakfree?
How much do societal dogmas matter to them? What to wear, how to talk, and how to behave?

The masks we cover have made us animals. We act nicely and behave correctly. In many cases, against our will. As a result, we live in confusion between self and how we represent ourselves towards others.


We create confusion within ourselves. It can be our manifestation. It can be how we react to an event. We can complicate our lives or keep calm like a cucumber and lead it.

Life is not a binary or a zero-sum game. We live moment to moment in it. Some moments we make memorable and stick through our lives. We want to forget painful ones quickly.

It depends on us how to lead our lives. There are no shortcuts or easy way out. We have to work every moment to make our dream come true.


If progress means having an iPhone on loan, we have.
If development means wasting unlimited hours on YouTube with cheap data we have. If development means switching to the Western way of living nuclear and becoming more individualistic, we have certainly progressed.

If progress is about being overworked and having no personal life, we have progressed. If progress is about selling our soul for money, we definitely have progressed. If an abundance of unwanted materialism is progress, then we have.


There are some days when I feel like doing nothing. These are the days when utmost laziness creeps in. These lazy days are creative bursts for me. I believe I am doing nothing, but in the true sense, the subconscious mind comes with flowing ideas.

The art of doing nothing, leaving the phone away lying idly must be unproductive to the outside world.


We should take responsibility for our decisions. It is easy to blame others. Some people die blaming others. Instead of putting in their best effort, they nitpick about others.

It becomes significant to understand the world around us. Imagine having a boss or partner who does no work but blames you for missing out. This constant pressure will suck you.