
One of the main parts of a long-lasting organization is keeping personal sanity as a promoter. The decisions and agreements need to be well thought out.

We are working towards the greater good of the company. Everyone is part of the big organization, and we are taking it ahead together.

We make some decisions while keeping personal likes and dislikes away. It is not easy for most who run with a dopamine rush and keep a world-changing attitude.


I think we have stopped laughing. We are ending up becoming a machine. Science says that laughter is a stress buster. It brings people together. It unites and fixes many altercations.

One should laugh to spread the bug and make the environment around cheerful. All it takes is a big grind.

We are lucky. We are breathing. We have enough to eat. We can read and have shelter. Is it not great? Should this not be a reason to laugh, celebrate, and spread happiness?

Our time on this planet is limited. Every single second, we are dying. That gives us all reason to stay humble, happy, and celebrate.


We want everyone to uplift, not just the leaders. That is when the society will progress. We live in an opposite world where wealth is in the hands of a few. The divide between the rich and poor is increasing.

One section of society is splurging while another is barely surviving. One section is a slave to the treadmill of society with all the laws and rules, paying taxes, and bailing out the riches.

The gospel of equality died long back, and we are more divided than before in the name of caste, religion, region, color, and whatnot. If we look objectively, the only divide is between rich and poor.

What our forefathers did to uplift us was simple: get educated, the cure to uplift future generations.


I wonder if our civilization would have been prosperous if we were happy with our company and consciousness. Modernization seems like a distraction from our consciousness and seeking within. We would have needed no Netflix, Instagram, or other means to distract our thoughts.

The craving for external validation has resulted in us becoming more brutal. We are running like there is no tomorrow. We aim to compete with the world and showcase to others our capabilities to win medals.


Has it occurred to you that someone came into your life and made it better? A transformation of your is taking place, the new you: full of possibilities all over again in their company.

Such magicians do exist. They come once in a while and make your life swirl. Cease those moments and make the best of it. There cannot be too many chances.

The problem with many of us has been our innate lack of self-confidence and belief that this world has equally good people as bad ones.


Be the light so someone can come out of their darkness.
Be the force that can change the lives of millions.
Be that infectious optimism that snatches away death.
Be the guide and take away gloominess from your peers.
Be the friend who is always there for the world.
Be the North Star that the world sermons by.
Be the hope in making dreams come true for others around.
Be you.


Many of us don’t accept reality. As a result, we end up living in a bubble. Once someone has left you, what is the use of crying over it and not moving forward? When you know your idea is not working out, what is the point of hanging to the same until you go bankrupt or mortgage your house?

We need to make opportunities out of available resources; we should live now, in present and absolute reality. Once we accept reality, we make amendments. It does not mean giving up on our dream but building a life with opportunities in our hands.

You can’t waste years dreaming of becoming a billionaire without doing daily chores or working on tasks that will feed you. Hope, dreams, and illusions exist in life for a reason.

In the end, there are things in your control and things that are not: focus on what you have. Make the best use of it, and create a meaningful life and relationship.


I understand as a father, brother, husband, wife, or friend, you have caution and wisdom. It is of no use to someone who lives in an illusion. Someone who thinks they know everything and have it all sorted.

We need to help those who seek it, who open up to us and ask for it.

Our society and constant internet exposure have fueled individualism in our blood. We don’t need advisors, mentors, or guides anymore.


I don’t know if emptiness is a virtue or a vice. It might differ on scenarios. Emptiness to me is like letting go of the past and starting fresh. It is the state of nothingness. It is the state of absolute zero.

We humans are slaves to social constructs and our vices. We can feel filled with having nothing, but at the same time, someone with all the luxury can be empty within. This emptiness will drive them mad. It is the vice form of emptiness.

We have to pick and choose which side we want to be and what to do with our emptiness. Some make a world in it, use emptiness to positivity, and rebuild themselves, and most die living in pain with the emptiness.


Building a startup is no less than raising a child. It requires a lot of effort and dedication. Also, like a child, a startup requires every stakeholder’s hard work to make it progressive.

In the current era, every part of the organization is dependent. A product requires distribution, quality, and moat to excel. It cannot just be sales. The after-sales, service, and support require equal or better precedence.

Every single member of the team defines the success of the organization as an orchestra with the symphony.