Where can we find a cure for our stupidity and anxiety? Will watching Netflix or listening to music be of any help? There is a market for everything. Music which makes you fall asleep to video course for feeding positivity. Nothing helps with eradicating the source but quick fixing it. Will you need those apps …
Author Archives: Atul
Asimov’s four laws of Robotics
Isaac Asimov was one of the best thinkers of our time. He has written in length about a society where Robots take over in his book- I, Robot. While reading emotional design, whose last half is dedicated to how robots will co-exist and what they are missing. I got to know about Asimov’s four laws …
Distraction is not limited to our overuse of social media. It is not something new to we humans. The vice has been around since eternity. Many sages and philosophers have spoken and written about it. Distraction has more to do with our thoughts and our association with the world. We can get distracted over the …
Why is Leisure so far fetched? Are we machines running on checklists? Or is it our desire to do the next big thing which keeps us running like a workaholic donkey? I know many men who have made enough wealth to live a peaceful life, but, they are not satisfied. They are running like a …
Our life is surrounded by TV, Smartphone, Laptop, Tablets, etc. The constant consumption is affecting us. It is resulting in the formation of many billion oculist industries. We are getting into a chronic disease and modern-day diseases are all over us. Can we save our eyes, use screens wisely and blink more?
Shelving is bread and butter for supermarkets. Store owners want you to be confused and apply less cognition when buying. It helps with their sales. While reading Emotional design, liked sharing the two pages on the same subject.
How many hours in the day do we spend quiet time without being distracted by the external world: Phone, SMS or meetings? How scary can it be, living in our own thoughts without being distracted with the externalities? Once left alone, the mind will run in multiple directions and thoughts from every corner will come …
Van Gogh
I have always liked Van Gogh, the way he captured nature and human expressions. I hope someday I will get to visit the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. While reading: Van Gogh letters to Theo (his brother), I got to know more about him. He died (killed himself by cutting his ear), remaining poor. He …
Once we cross 60 years of our age, the reversals happen. We start acting like a grumpy kid who starts crying for not getting his wish fulfilled: parents not buying that toy or candy. What happens after we get old? Do we fall for expectation traps? Do we let kids fall for the guilt trip? …
Some tactics for creating and maintaining a cult. Create your own social reality: in simple terms create an echo chamber, limit external sources for news and information. Most modern-day ashrams across India follow these. Create a granfalloon: make members believe they are part of something bigger, use god or some cause as bait. Create commitment …