OpenStack 5th Birthday celebration Bangalore India.

  OpenStack itself has come a long way and the birthday celebrations witnessed over 40 enthusiastic participants. We spent most of the time discussing Openstack while answering intriguing questions about the project the development and the overall ecosystem. It was good to see creative upstream contributors talking to the newer developers, sharing their experiences and …

Sharing my Ideas, If you like go build a startup

I been following James Altucher for over a year now. He keeps telling about becoming an idea machine, come up with 10 ideas everyday. I tried it for few weeks and realized its too difficult to gather ideas. So far I have managed to  gather few ideas but implementing is not my piece of cake. …

My prejudice towards Buzzfeed

BuzzFeed is known for pulling story from Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, imgur, Facebook, Whatsapp [YEP] and making it CLICKBAIT/LINKBAIT. Every entity has revenue model & this works best for BuzzFeed.  One of my friend wrote a nice post Quantifying the Clickbait and Linkbait in BuzzFeed Article Titles It was my prejudice that did me wrong at …

Notes from OpenStack summit, Vancouver

I was very ecstatic  to attend the recently concluded OpenStack Summit in Vancouver. While the summit was the main focal point of my trip, I was elated to bump into my friends and colleagues. After almost five years I was reunited with my very old friend Razique & Heiko.During the initial days of the documentation …


I am not sure what inspired me to post this but I’m writing about valuable friendships that I am happy to be affiliated with. Last year was a tough one for me. I was not in great shape with too many things stressing me out. The only thing that kept me going were my dearest …