Life of average Indian middle class : 1. Become an engineer. 2. Get a job 3. Repay the study loan 4. Get married 5. Buy house & car 6. Die paying EMI. 7. Keep running after school for kids admission. 8. Force kid to become Engineer 9. Get old 10. Stay dependent on kids 11. …
Author Archives: Atul
My Travel Notes
This blog is in continuation with why i love traveling & preferably alone. I have a checklist which i am sharing it here, i follow it most of the time. 🙂 Make friends with locals I know when we are traveling to a touristic destination a lot of travelers feel they are going to get …
Notes from Mathura-Vrindavan-Govardhan trip.
I visited Mathura –Vrindavan–Govardhan with my parents in February. Its advised to take the Yamuna expressway if traveling from Noida, it takes few hours & road trip across paddy/sugarcane fields looks lovely. Other way is to travel via DTC bus from Kashmiri Gate or Local train. All the 3 locations are nearby(when in personal vehicle) to each …
Continue reading “Notes from Mathura-Vrindavan-Govardhan trip.”
Notes from Nagaland Trip
I visited Nagaland, northeastern state of India this March. I visited Dimapur, Peren and Mokokchung district. I have tried to summarize my overall experience in simple notes. Thanks 2 Achet for inviting me to this trip, am missing all the fun already. 🙂 Pork is a staple food & its common to keep pigs at home along with hens. …
Why i love traveling & preferably alone
Why Alone? When am alone its like am naked, out of comfortability zone. I have to do my own shit & its a fun/learning experience. It makes me more independent & extrovert in my day to day life. Reasons why i love traveling? Food I am a foodie & one main reason i …
Technology Evangelist Checklist
If you are a technology Evangelist i am sure you would be following this checklist : Spreading word about project/technology by speaking engagement, social media outreach. Acting as a mentor to n00bies who are keen to be part of your project/technology. Working without pride but more love/respect/harmony & with goal to expand the …
What was i doing all this while?
Since i been asked again & again by lot many friends Where the hell am i What i been doing all this while Simplest answer I was traveling across India & these are the places i covered since new year. Delhi (I was in Purani Delhi regularly for food) Nagaland (north-east) Mathura-Vrindavan-Gowardhan Haridwar-Rishikesh Bangalore Hyderabad …
Searching for some answers.
I have been asking a few questions to myself over the past few months: 1. Am I happy? 2. Am I enjoying my day job? 3. What’s wrong with me? If anything? 4. Where should I see myself 10 years down the line? 5. Is this how life goes on? I am not sure if …
2013: Year just passed
[Warning: Not a tech blog] I will keep it simple & try to summarize what all went to my life in 2013 in all fronts. Personal: Made few friends & some walked away, part of life. Trips: Traveled to cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Pune, Sf, Portland & Hong Kong for conference/presentations or …
OpenStack Summit, Hong Kong
To those who don`t know i have joined SwiftStack as community/solutions engineer. Most of my time during this summit i spent meeting a lot many interesting people around our booth. I was more interested in whats HOT from OpenStack Swift front & Mario wrote a nice blog summarizing over all talks sessions related to Swift. …