Another birthday & set of challenges ahead

Celebrated my birthday few days back, like most  I too have some plans for this year.  Finish one book every week Write everyday  Get more proficient in Python and learn more in field of data science  Improve on speaking skills aka soft skills  Pick up some statistics  Become more aware about self and in taking …

Notes from reading: Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance

I got to know about Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance book via my friend Prateek on Facebook. He suggested that I should read this book since I been reading a lot of Philosophy all this while. Just the spoiler, the book is not entirely about motorcycle maintenance instead an account of author’s motorcycle …

Notes from reading: Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts

I was recommended reading “Wisdom of Insecurity” by Alan Watts from a friend of mine. She insisted that I should read other philosophers as well apart from J Krishnamurti. These are some my notes from kindle. It should be clear that eternal life is the realization that the present is the only reality, and that …

Notes from reading: On Love and Loneliness by J Krishnamurti

Continuing with my quest of reading more on J Krishnamurti  I picked up On Love and Loneliness.  It is his series of discourse recorded as a book. These are some of my kindle notes: Love comes into being when the mind is naturally quiet, not made quiet, when it sees the false as false and …

Random Thoughts: What are we living for?

I am still reading J Krishnamurti discourse/book on Love and Loneliness. I will be posting notes soon, while reading though this book I had this question, “What are we living for?” I sent a questionnaire to over 100 friends anonymously only 50 responded.  I have added graphs & code for same below. Group A = [18 …

Business advice from Ashish [my friend]

I studied my 11-12th with Ashish & have known him for over decade. We grew up together, he got married and blessed with two kids and running a successful business in Delhi. I am  here in Bangalore, trying to figure out what is next. Last week I was in Delhi all for him, because we …

Notes from reading: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

This book is list of wisdom shared by Randy Pausch, he had cancer and few months to live.  I got this book from my sister’s bookshelf, it is one of the best read for me so far this year, extremely recommended. These are some notes, some are titles of the book [self explanatory] : Dream …

Notes from reading: On Fear by J Krishnamurti

Continuing with my quest of reading more on J Krishnamurti  I picked up On Fear. It is his series of discourse on our fear. These are some of my clipped notes from the book: We have so accepted the pattern of fear that we don’t want even to move away from it. When you compare …

Falling in love, breakup up and moving on

Falling in love We have to fall in love, it is mandatory : You won’t get place to sit or meal if you are alone and visiting eateries or elsewhere. How will you share all those photos to your Facebook et all. Peer pressure and friend circle around us takes over this. How do we …