
Advancement in technology guaranteed us prosperity. And sold us hyper-productivity: our quest to become successful in every aspect of our life. We are competing with everyone on everything. We are in a slot machine for: growth, relationship, prosperity, happiness, appraisal, love. We have turned into a robot. We are copying others. We are multitasking. We …

Doer, dreamer, cribber and society

  Society is a collection of an individuals with different mind set. Doers are working on shaping our society for good. Dreamers are forward thinkers. Cribbers are unique. They have problem with everything:state, government, rules, systems, doers, dreamers. A progressive society requires more doers and dreamers. Union of doers and dreamers bring progress, innovation and …

A year older and wiser

I recently celebrated my 33rd birthday. I traveled to my hometown and spent the day with my parents. I don’t have much to crib/complain about my life. I am living it moment by moment. Epictetus says: Life is a journey and we are like travelers. Every moment has its own share. At the same time, …

Thaler, NFL and Decision making

Richard Thaler is a Nobel laureate and author of the best selling book: Misbehaving. He is a popular figure in the area of behavioral economics. Last week when I was reading ‘Misbehaving’- the chapter on decision making caught my attention. It talks about how traditional ways of picking NFL players were resulting in losses. The …

Decision Paralysis

I visited a grocery store last evening to pick some rice. The aisle had over 50 varieties  with different properties and health benefits. To my surprise their in-house label had replaced my regular brand. On top of that, it was offered at a 50% discount as an introductory offer. I came back and ordered my …

Other people

India’s unorganized sector also happens to be one of its biggest job providers. Our maids, uber drivers, sales girls and servers at restaurants – all of them constitute it. They are hard working, voiceless, vulnerable and key stakeholders to our economy. They are the invisible robots who drive us for early morning flights. They serve …

On Money

Study well, Get a good job, Earn well, Settle. The society created paradox that we ought to follow People complain about their bosses or jobs but continue for money. Earning takes precedence over family, personal health and relationships. Loyalty goes to dustbin for 2X salary raise. Money is important to meet our ends. But craving …