
I have said this many times before. The human mind is a monkey mind. We get triggered on petty things. It results in venting our anger or at times getting depressed.

The question remains, why do we get triggered? Is it because we are insecure or because of our expectations?

In the end, it bites us back. We lose friends and our mind.

The world will keep moving, people will continue being non-rational. The only thing that can help us being off-triggered is being self-conscious.

Gig Economy

I am a consumer of gig economy. From booking cab to ordering food, I consume it for everything.

Job creators for the blue-collar workers have been the winner. The real force on the ground aka laborers, delivery boys, and drivers have turned into robots.

I feel sad for the scared taxi driver who cannot speak or understand how maps work. I feel sad for every boy who is scared of bad ratings.

Everything is just about a transaction. I would prefer drones, robots delivering or riding me home rather fearful humans.


I have reread Ray Dalio’s book: Principles. The book circles around a set of a checklist. I asked myself if I will become a robot following the steps described in the book.

I have been meeting new people every week these days. I am learning to sell. I find the application of “Principles” helping me. I have written it down as a note on my phone. Before I enter for the meeting, I read it a few times.

  1. Listen, listen, listen.
  2. Be humble and empathetic.
  3. Be honest about the product.

I have gotten this feeling that sales and psychotherapists have got one thing in common, they listen a lot and speak up only when required.

Ray Dalio also talks about a few other key things.

  1. Radical transparency
  2. Radical Openness
  3. Radical Honestly

I would like to add one more to the list: Radical Fearlessness.


Social media is a medium for voice amplification. The other medium is podcasting, blog, and meetups.

Everyone has an opinion and they want to spread it. It is like a single source of truth, be my follower. This noise amplification channel is a signaling platform. The saints of the church spread new phenomenon every now and then.

We humans are different, we all have our own mental models. The way we respond to situations, problems and challenges differ. There is no one fit for all situation.

The same goes for running a business. So be very mindful when and whom to listen to. Do not follow the cheerleader, do not follow advice blindly.

You don’t have to listen to everyone.


I was reading Seneca’s: on the shortness of Life. It made me realize what most of us are doing with our life.

The allocated time of our life is not short but the petty things which we have prioritized make it look short. The time of our life we spend on fighting, running after money or for glory.

Socrates said: an unexamined life is not worth living. How many of us examine our actions? Do we self examine at the end of the day?

Life is as we see it.


A community is a set of like-minded people. We share the same vision and belief. But does community has the charter to compare and compete with others? When religion came via horsemen, and hermits community changed into submission, fear, and faith. It also fostered religious war for superiority.

My previous jobs were around community development. I would participate and meet developers. Sometimes I would get on to a heated argument as well. I see the same process repeating.

It takes some time to realize that our association with a particular brand is temporary and people remain the same. We should aspire for human bonding is for life.


I used to laugh at people on being high on sugar and all. Yesterday I had a meeting after which I ended up at Glen’s, a bakehouse in town. I ended up eating red velvet cake and cappuccino.

Hours after that I was buzzing. I was laughing, chilling and writing texts to friends and was on call. I ended up writing, planning and drawing so many things. I ended up sleeping at 4 am and felt like trash when woke up.

Slept again in the afternoon and feeling much better. I did some reading and realized I was on the sugar rush. I am going to be more careful from now on about consuming the quantity of cake, looks like even a slice is too much.


I understand capitalism means slogging our ass. But when it comes to creativity, it requires a clear head and calm state of mind.

Can laziness make you creative? A life without daily todo or productivity hacks?

I could use signaling and share quotes of successful folks who were misfits and lead life on their rules. They were successful in their fields of arts, psychology, literature or philosophy.

Coming back to myself, not having a schedule/reminder on weekends makes me more creative. This can also be my confirmation bias since my Sundays are for overeating, reading and drowning in caffeine.

What do you all think? Help me in finding some answers.

Social psychology

Social psychology experiments are a fashionable field. The celebrated author, psychologist Daniel Kahneman won a Nobel prize. He also happens to be the author of the best seller: Thinking fast and slow.

I got to know about this field via Freakonomics and Hidden brain podcast. I was hooked to Social psychology. Fast forward, 600 days later I feel most of these are gibberish and unproven.

I wonder if these authors and researchers did controlled observations and experiments for grants or publishing books.

While watching the marshmallow experiment on YouTube and listening to the research outcome the question kept hitting me: What if the kids were fed marshmallows in all their meals, a week before conducting the experiment.

Power posing, affirmation, similarity, fear, persuasion, etc are all packaged and sold to us.

Thanks to the society signaling, social media noise and smartphone (because we are dumb), these authors are leaving more impact on our consciousness.


Epictetus wrote enchoridian centuries ago.

The paragraph where he mentions what things we have in our control and we don’t have has been a principle for me. I consider lucky getting to know about it, soaking it up.

Many things we do in our lives with our best efforts. But if we decide the result or expect the outcome in our favor and it goes opposite we get miserable. At times anger takes over.

Going by Epictetus, I know it is a difficult life to lead. Leaving outcome aside and focusing on putting the best effort. Life is more content. We do not regret not trying.

Life with action as prime motivation does more wonders that has a goal.