What I learnt reading philosophy

I spent a good amount of time reading after quitting my full time job last year. I read on various subjects ranging from food, health, science, literature and philosophy. I found Philosophy the most interesting among them all. Some of my favorites were J Krishnamurti, Epicurus, Seneca, Socrates and Marcus Aurelius. I maintain my reading …

Socrates and his questionings

Socrates bought a fresh way of seeing any situation, thinking and responding to any challenge, conversation. Socrates, a famous Greek philosopher and founder of Western Philosophy [Wikipedia]. According to Socrates a truth is always outcome of discussion filled with logic and reason. Like other Stoic philosopher, he too stressed on having a human life filled with …

We are all Epicurus

Epicurus was Greek philosopher and founder of school of philosophy named Epicureanism. Centre of his Philosophy revolved around pleasure. According to Epicurus: “Pleasure is the beginning and the goal of a happy life” The school of philosophy aka Epicureanism was started on donation from wealthy people because they resonated with it. He spent all the money in setting …

Random Thoughts: On my procrastination

Last year around October, Anurag wrote a post on procrastination and it hit my head like one hits nail with hammer.  In his post, he has covered every part of procrastination in details, go ahead and read it. This post is about my procrastination habit and how it has screwed most part of me. I realized i was …

Random Thoughts: clinging to the past

Why as a humans it is so difficult to let things go? Why can’t we not move on from past, our mistakes, relationships and all that we did which made us weak or smarter? Our human mind is like a google drive, all it does is stores and stores our experiences. I am not sure …

Random Thoughts: Capitalism, Consumerism and social proof

Capitalism has fueled growth, we are more prosperous than before. Capitalism made most of us rich, prosperous. Industrialization resulted in mass production of food, medicines. We are not dying of hunger anymore or of disease like cholera, malaria (most part of the world). Anyone can work hard and build empire out of Ashes. Capitalism also …

Notes from Reading: Presence by Amy Cuddy

Amy Cuddy is a well respected social psychologist and a known face in TED talk circle. I got to know about the book of hers from one of my friend. The book starts with her personal encounter where she met with a bad accident and how she recovered fully from it. As book progresses, she …

Notes from reading: The book of man by Osho

I was advised to read The Book Of Man, Osho by Naval. I grew up with prejudice and bias that Osho is a Sex guru, one who only talks about sexual pleasures. He is destroying our society and playing with our innocent mind by adding all kind of poison. I should totally avoid reading Osho. …