Please don`t build your community this way

I been seeing a new trend which is bad for any community. Just added few points here 1. Doing senseless Press Release out of anything. 2. Instead of your product talking SHIT about opponents/competitors product 3. Creating fake twitter accounts for bitching [This one got deleted thankfully] 4. Last but not the least by making …

People(tech) would like to meet before i die

Linus Torvalds  The man who wrote Linux kernel & maintains the overall project. He is also behind a distributed version control and source code management (SCM) system. I know many people hate him because of his response to devs in kernel mailing list.  He has his own unique way of addressing issue. Eric S. Raymond ESR is wrote The Cathedral …

Happy Birthday OpenStack #OpenStack3Bday

Current Mood (Excited)   What an incredible journey this has been. We are celebrating 3rd birthday of OpenStack, the Open Source cloud computing software for building clouds. We have had awesome journey so far and will continue rocking.     How it started? Rackspace + NASA = OpenStack   Where are we now? [2]  Rackspace …

Linux Namespaces, CentOS & OpenStack

Few weeks back me & my friend wanted to try out OpenStack on CentOS. We followed all steps but after 3 days of debugging we were still not able to figure out the issue. I am total newbie with the networking part of OpenStack, trying to catch up with it. After hitting head around forums, launchpad …

Things i like about Chennai

I been here for over two and half years. So felt like writing what i feel about this place. Food Most people think Chennai only famous for veg food like dosa/idli/appam that is not correct. I was lucky to try nice Chettinad non-veg food along with variety of seafood. Yes thats me eating drumstick chicken …

RabbitMQ webUI & Ubuntu

I heard about RabbitMq webUI from my friend Ritesh. I felt it will be helpful for anyone who wants to understand queue workflow playing with OpenStack. After reading found this for getting the same on Ubuntu 12.04. Installing RabbitMQ Server # apt-get install rabbitmq-server Checking list of installed plugin. # rabbitmq-plugins list [ ] amqp_client …

OpenStack Summit, Portland & me.

I been lucky  this time to attend the OpenStack Summit summit hosted in Portland. Why am saying lucky because :–  (photo credit @nikiacosta) 1. I was finally able to meet a lot of developers and friends whom i been interacting over 2 years on IRC for help/support related to various OpenStack related issues. 2. I could …