It is so easy to get mad at watchman for taking time in opening door. It is easy to get angry at the delivery boy for calling up few times for address confirmation. It is easy to get hyper at cook for adding extra salt by mistake. It takes an effort to know the story …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Sometimes due to anger people end up showing their weakness. The insecurity and ego flow with the conversation. In such situations, one cannot argue with reason. We should empathize with the angry person and investigate what could have been the cause for it. The anger and non-rational act should be forgiven. We humans …
An assumption can make us sick. It fosters our brain’s ability to switch things in our or against our favor. Love, hate, like, dislike all these are made up in our brain. Our bias, experience plays an equal role. The monkey mind will always have its fight mode open as are our assumptions. * My …
Marketers and other emerging professions are reaping profit from our worries. Do Yoga for a stress-free day. Avoid sugar or get diabetes. Eating meat causes heart disease. Gym every day to fight obesity. Eating tobacco causes cancer. These signals and messages receive more attention. Psychologists cite that worry trumps over sex in seeking our brain’s …
Transparency seems to be the least regarded virtue in the startup ecosystem. Everyone stakeholder talks about its positive while forgetting to apply it. Founders will not tell the team about the real state of fundraising or money in the bank. An investor will never tell you he is not interested in you anymore. An employee …
Why are shy in asking, be it for advice or buying. Social scientists call it risk-averse tendency. The fear of losing hurts more than trying to gain. Asking from experts saves our time, no one is judging us. We make things look complicated. At the same time is it our ego or insecurity which plays …
The modern-day organization has gone bonkers, managers have become a surveillance machine. How does it matter what an employee wears and what time he comes and goes back from work? Why does he need to share his social media details or his affiliations to the management? I thought startups were about innovation and creativity. Nobody …
Hype is synonymous to oxygen in the current startup ecosystem. It is not limited to calling oneself a thought leader or a serial entrepreneur. Everyone is an expert in something, everyone calls himself or team a hustler. Most founders are under survivorship bias while investors on the hunt for a Unicorn. As a result, everyone …
Starting a startup is a sign of being fearless. As a founder, you have to ensure that this philosophy gets propagated in every aspect. The hierarchy or pedigree should not hold back radical transparency. A fresher should get an equal opportunity like anyone else. They will be wrong at times. Encourage them to learn and …
This crowded world of smart communication has a side effect. We have experts and advisors everywhere. Open Twitter, and you will find an investor sharing wisdom on running a successful startup. Open Hacker News, and you have some product guy sharing his wisdom followed by 1000 others in agreement or against it. …