Man is a social animal. ― Aristotle Humans have common constituent: blood, bones, meat, gut, brain, and trillions of micro-organisms. But we are all different. What we like, what are our virtues and vice. As humanity progressed so did our afflictions. * Neanderthal to Homosapeiens. * Germanic to Celtics. * Native to barbarians. * Native …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
What happens if everyone becomes rational? We will turn Vulcan (star trek) and will have to deal fewer errands. What will happen to our emotions, feelings et all? We will become robots. That will save Earth? Who knows, it might. We will start using our consciousness. We will become unbiased. Emotions will have no role …
Something is wrong with me? My social circle has shrunk. The meetups, events, and gatherings have reduced. My consumption and interaction with the virtual world are also limited. I have started to live most of my time with myself. Self-introspection gave some answers: Participating in subjects I have control over will make me saner. My …
I have been a non-stop talker. My friends close to me are aware of this. I am working on getting this fixed. I have realized silence and listening to others is more relaxing. It keeps brain saner. Listening to others helps in keeping a check on biases. It powers independent thinking. Let see how many …
Fighting with barista for making frothy cappuccino is easy. What is difficult: having some empathy. Keeping calm and registering complaint. Our problems are prime and the world or people around us should resonate with it. We have the least clue or concern about others. Why would it matter if my apartments security guard has been …
Consider yourself blessed because : 1. You can think. 2. You have enough to pay for your food. 3. House for a living. 4. The companion you can trust. 5. Access to the Internet and knowledge to read. Because most of the human population don’t have these.
Are we living in some kind of simulation? Who is influencing our decision-making ability? What is driving us for hoarding, overeating? What is making us live a life of debt?
We spend many hours at present, thinking about the past. Does it help us? Does it make us stronger? Does it add more regret or remorse? Isn’t past like a train journey which we completed? Why do we have to carry the baggage of it now?
Our brain is the most complex human organ. Many researches are underway to find out its mystery. My own experience has made me realize that my brain gets affected by: People I meet/talk to. Music I listen to. Movies I watch. Foods I eat. Workouts I do. Books I read In short, every single action …
What will you do with all that money when: You are sleep deprived. You are addicted on alcohol and narcotics. You have no control over your anger. You have a big house but no friends. You are a slave to your vices. Your kids have no respect for you. You have no one to …