OpenStack: Grizzly release is here!!

Yesterday the latest stable release of OpenStack code name  “GRIZZLY” got released. I am adding here list of  interesting blogs & stats which can be helpful to get more details about it. Press Release Offical Blog Official Announcement Slide  Swift updates in Grizzly  Companies Contributing to Grizzly Release Note  Grizzly Contributors List

If you are in India & want to contribute & participate in OpenStack India join us :  OpenStack India Meetup India




OpenStack Swift in a box (folsom/ubuntu 12.04)

Last week i was at PES IT college, Bangalore  for a workshop on OpenStack Swift. I had to get them (students) a hands on of the same.

So i went through the video & resources which Joe Arnold created explaining about swift. ( So essentially what i have done here is extension of what was explained on Swiftatack site but customized it to my need. 🙂

The thing was i was not able to find the script which can help me install Swift via Ubuntu repository on a fresh Ubuntu machine so what i did was , i went thought the official swift in a box guide & wrote a simple script which installs swift for you once you have Ubuntu 12.04 up and running along with cloud archive in place in your apt.sources.list.

Lastly thanks to my friend Hugo Ko  who been great help in in fixing some errors i was getting cos of the file system permissions. I owe you a beer Hugo 😀

Custom virtualbox  Image for Ubuntu 12.04 can be found from here


Virtualbox Image (swift : swift are the credentials for default login user:password )  :

Custom Script for installing swift on ubuntu 12.04

I hope it helps everyone one wants to play with swift in a box with tempauth. Also i have not done anything awesome incredible here because most of it is already available at many places.

I have added it all on Bitbucket as well Happy “Forking”  

Hope it helps!!  🙂



Ubuntu MIR & Rolling release.

Almost everyone from community has written in great length & depth about how recent rolling release and MIR announcement has been Canonical`s decision.

I am not writing this blog to prove anyone wrong or taking side with anyone. What Canonical has done for community & spreading word of Linux has been incredible. They are an Enterprise and they have every right to take decision on Ubuntu. But at same time they have to make sure that community who has always been behind them(Am one of them) remains with them.

I would hope things will settle down soon & all the questions will be addressed or has already been by Jono(Community Manager) 🙂



Event Report : Linux User Group Chennai meetup

I am almost over a week late to post this blog. I was out in Pune for our other Openstack mini-conf which was held in Pune on 15th Feb. I will be blogging about same later this week.

I had this opportunity to speak about cloud computing and OpenStack in February month Linux User Group Chennai meetup. We had interesting talk and demo lined up, see the details here we had a crowd of over 30 people and was fun to interact with everyone. I just realized 30 mins is not sufficient to talk about cloud computing & OpenStack along with taking all the questions from audience.



I will make sure to attend the meetup next month and speak about Nova the OpenStack compute project.

Photos of the event are available here


5 Indian startups revolutionized e-commerce in India

So i felt like sharing the web portals which just revolutionized whole e-commerce business in India. I selected 5 such portals along with their business revenue source via Internet.


Started as online bookstore now sells almost everything. In short i would say its AMAZON of India. I am a big fan of them. One new thing which they bought to Indian customers was “cash on Delivery ”


One of the web portal catering needs of Indians looking for employment. A job portal in simple terms.


One of the very first web portal came in existence to help in marriage match making(matrimony)


I am a regular user of this site. The site provides online reservation of bus tickets for almost all major cities. They already have over million tickets booking done. 🙂


One of the first web portal which launched with aim of providing great flight ticketing experience.

Lastly almost all of them are using cloud 😀

2012 passing, 2013 welcome!!

To start with Happy New Year 2013 in advance!!




I been in Chennai for almost 2 years now, i don`t have anything good/bad/ugly 2 say on that.

Foss confs

I been lucky 2 attend OSCON, UDS, and many other conference happening in India like Gnunify, Pycon, OpenStack Day. It was great experience meeting so many great technology folks and sharing like minded ideas. I am still too young in front of all the guys. I am trying to learn and get better as time progresses.


2012 has been a great year in technology exposure for me. I was lucky 2 be part of OpenStack and Ubuntu projects. I am still learning and will keep contributing from my side whatever way i can.

Reading & Music

2012 has been year i spent reading a lot of fiction mainly written by Khushwant Singh and listening to Sufi songs by Abida Parveen and Nusret Fateh Ali Khan. I also last night realized that fusion music is good for ears. 🙂

Whats in store for 2013 ?

Well only God can predict that but as human i have few things i would love to spend my time on.

1. Technology 

I would like to spend sometime understanding Ceph and internals of OpenStack projects especially Quantum. I would also like to understand the whole concept of High Availability in cloud computing and Openstack in particular. I would also like to pick up puppet or chef or salt along with Juju which i already use.

2. Conference

I would love to participate in OpenStack Design summit, UDS, FOSDEM, OSCON, Deployconf this year. I wish i could make it all. 😀

3. Others

This year i am going to get in habit of blogging/blogging/blogging every week at least. I contributed few articles already for muktware ( in 2012 but i want to add a lot more in 2013.

Bootstrap with weekly podcast from cloud/PAAS/Big Data/Monitoring/others industry folks early next year. I am making list of guest for coming 6 months. If your interested to be my guest let me know. 🙂

Start taking photographs of all the trips and roaming i do. I visited so many places around Chennai without camera and missed to capture moments. 🙁

Focus/Focus/Focus I really need to spend less time on social media, i was lucky to do later part of 2012 but i want to bring it further down in 2013.

Last but not the least i think i should try some formal cloths as well, All this while in 5 yr career i have been a t-shirt/Jeans/Converse guy. I am unsure if i can really achieve this, fingers crossed. 😀


Smart auto-wala in Chennai, for a change!!

Chennai is known for there fucked up/creepy autowalas. They will literally rob you if they realize you are not local. Even they act like morons with locals.

So like every weekday i was out from my office around 8.30 pm waiting for auto and i was welcomed by an autowala. So my rule is just tell them 100 RS and where you want to go. This guy spoke in fluent English and after few minutes started speaking in Hindi. I was totally shocked as it was first time in 2 yrs i found an autowala speaking in fluent Hindi. My first question to him “Bhaiya do you watch lots of Hindi movie? Your hindi is way better than ordinary folks in Chennai. His response was he knows 7 other languages 🙂

We kept on talking and he told me how he spent most of his life previously in Gulf and then Maldives. He learnt lot other languages while work tenure abroad.

Lastly he said money is not everything family/parents matters as well and hence after 9 years staying abroad i returned back.

For first time in 2 yrs stay here in Chennai i felt great about autowalas 🙂

Bull temple, Bangalore and friends

I was in Bangalore last week for OpenStack Day. I spent my Sunday meeting Bhavi and Shastry. It was great meeting them both. Also not to mention i had awesome lunch at Bhavi`s house cooked by her mom. A traditional kannada food i would assume, 3-4 varieties of rice and it was delicious. I should have taken some photographs of it but i was busy eating. 🙂

 And this is what i saw on Bhav`s door step. I liked it and was worth a click. 😀





Then later in the evening Shastry arrived and we had hot coffee and then we started for evening trip around Bangalore. Since we were in Old Bangalore, shastry suggested we should see/roam in some park. I don`t remember the name of that park but it was nice the other thing was on stones people curved there name with whom they love and all. 🙂

Then we headed to Bull Temple, although both were too lazy to take off our shoes so we preferred staying out and clicking some pics and reading about the history of the temple.


Lastly once we were out we tried some photography skill of ours and took this snap, i just loved the color of sky that particular moment.

Then we went to a place called Food Street with so many shops catering all variety of food, it was awesome. It gave me a feeling am in Chandni Chok, Delhi. But later on we decided we will go to another road side shop in nearby area & yes i tried fried idly for first time, it was great. We had dosa/idly and then Shastry dropped me to bus stop. We have decided next trip we will continue our food trail and visit some other places. The day was full of variety of food, i loved it. 😀