Book Notes: The Little Prince

The book summarizes journey of Little Prince, the interplanetary traveler: his adventure all along the journey. It included meeting inhabitants from other planets and understanding their priorities..” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote this book in french which later got translated to many other languages. It is just of 100 odd pages, one reason why i bought …

On Money

Study well, Get a good job, Earn well, Settle. The society created paradox that we ought to follow People complain about their bosses or jobs but continue for money. Earning takes precedence over family, personal health and relationships. Loyalty goes to dustbin for 2X salary raise. Money is important to meet our ends. But craving …

Book notes: how to be a stoic

I picked  “How to be a stoic” out of curiosity. I had watched some lectures on this book earlier on YouTube and it acted as a hook.  The author, Massimo Pigliucci is a professor of  Philosophy at CUNY-Lehman College in New York City.  I liked the author’s style of storytelling. His analysis on how stoic …

Book Notes: When Coffee and Kale Compete

Last week my friend Rajagopal advised me to read “When Coffee and Kale Compete: Become Great at Making Products People Will Buy” The book introduces the interesting concept of Jobs to be done or JTBD.  What I liked about and made me glued to the 200 pages of the book is one simple thing: Building …

Being Authentic

Everyone is trying to be like someone else, everyone is looking for success mantra – from reading blog posts of famous entrepreneurs, learning about their daily routines to copying  some hip hop artist look. We have turned into breed of copycats, but for what? Why can’t we be authentic, be as we are? We are …

On Algorithms

Algorithms are not new, we have been using it in stock trading, ticket booking  etc. Just that in 2018 we are hearing more about it. Four interesting scenarios happened in past few years. Emergence of cloud computing made processing fast cheap. Newer Open Source and proprietary technologies like Keras and TensorFlow took Deep Learning closer to …