
Marketers and other emerging professions are reaping profit from our worries.

  • Do Yoga for a stress-free day.
  • Avoid sugar or get diabetes.
  • Eating meat causes heart disease.
  • Gym every day to fight obesity.
  • Eating tobacco causes cancer.

These signals and messages receive more attention. Psychologists cite that worry trumps over sex in seeking our brain’s attention.

Jeff Bezos says: your margin is my profit. I would say, your worry is revenue for others.

We pick calls or use an app to avoid our worry. Always be on email is a result of losing a potential customer or meeting invite from a subordinate.

What is the cure for our worry?
Limiting smartphone usage and being more rational in life can help us.


Transparency seems to be the least regarded virtue in the startup ecosystem. Everyone stakeholder talks about its positive while forgetting to apply it.

Founders will not tell the team about the real state of fundraising or money in the bank. An investor will never tell you he is not interested in you anymore. An employee planning to quit will just quit.

When not being transparent has so many negatives, what is the reason behind not practicing it?


Why are shy in asking, be it for advice or buying. Social scientists call it risk-averse tendency. The fear of losing hurts more than trying to gain.

Asking from experts saves our time, no one is judging us. We make things look complicated.

At the same time is it our ego or insecurity which plays its card, I have no clue.


The modern-day organization has gone bonkers, managers have become a surveillance machine. How does it matter what an employee wears and what time he comes and goes back from work? Why does he need to share his social media details or his affiliations to the management?

I thought startups were about innovation and creativity. Nobody likes to live in hydra or micromanaged. It feels uncomfortable. The constant reminder about login hours or being available on slack is illogical.

If a founder cannot trust his team member, the problem is with their process and hiring.


Hype is synonymous to oxygen in the current startup ecosystem. It is not limited to calling oneself a thought leader or a serial entrepreneur. Everyone is an expert in something, everyone calls himself or team a hustler.

Most founders are under survivorship bias while investors on the hunt for a Unicorn. As a result, everyone gets into cheerleading mode. The positive side of this is good marketing, twitter mentions, and media coverage.

On the negatives, burn out and mental torture.

Like our lives, the most product gets one opportunity. The hype, tweet, podcast mentions can only take your product to a certain level. In the end, it is about solving the pain point of your customers and delighting them with support.

How much of this hype is worth pursuing?


Starting a startup is a sign of being fearless. As a founder, you have to ensure that this philosophy gets propagated in every aspect. The hierarchy or pedigree should not hold back radical transparency.

A fresher should get an equal opportunity like anyone else. They will be wrong at times. Encourage them to learn and grow. Their fearlessness will foster creativity and innovation.

Creativity and innovation come with independence. To be independent, one has to be fearless.


This crowded world of smart communication has a side effect. We have experts and advisors everywhere.
Open Twitter, and you will find an investor sharing wisdom on running a successful startup.
Open Hacker News, and you have some product guy sharing his wisdom followed by 1000 others in agreement or against it.
Facebook has retired folks talking about what our government should do to cure hunger and make us economically strong.
Instagram has influencers telling you what to wear at marriage or eye brown and lip care tips.
At this age and experience of mine one thing, I have realized that getting advice is more harmful than going on own.
Barry Schwartz in his book the paradox of choice talks about decision paralysis: too many choices are recipe for disaster.
If you are building a product for a certain market segment, advice should come from customers and users. Why are we wasting time reading tweets or blogs from so-called thought leaders?

Screen sucking

I am reading this book: driven to distraction at work. It talks about our screen consumption addiction.

As per a 2006 report: enterprises are losing $200+ billion/year because of distraction at work.

Reading this book reminds me of myself, how distracted and less focused I have been all this while.

Many other books like Hooked, Deep Work talks about the same. Mobile apps, notifications giving us a dopamine rush. We are more like BF Skinner’s pigeon craving for variable rewards.

Past few months I have become more aware of my screen consumption. My mobile has a limited number of apps with notification and sound muted. It has calmed me down.

On my laptop, I have installed apps like Block Site and Stayfocused. It has provided me with more time for myself. My addiction to twitter has come down. I have a limited number of hours in a day to consume social media now.

I am also limiting my screen consumption over the weekend. I wish to be dead on weekends lazying around, reading books and disconnected.

How are you all taking care of your screen sucking addiction?


All animal species shows the tendency of liking. It is auto-programmed and changes with our experience.

Liking is not limited to a person or material. It plays a vital role in our decision-making process.

We like to hire people who match our criteria and the same goes for our investment.

Robert Cialdini in Influence writes about the trickery of salesperson. How they work hard in making you like them. Once you like them, you will end up buying from them.

The other area where liking plays its role is picking our life partner. We have our own created persona of that mythical creature (soulmate).

What is the reason for liking?
Liking is a mirror of our past experiences.

Bhagwad Gita talks about equanimity but can humans be equanimous?

What will happen to the bias and prejudice we have been carrying since the day we were born?

food and biology

Till class 10th, reading biology was all about cleaning exams. That notion of mine has changed over the past decade.

I have realized it is important to understand my body and its limitations. I am getting old every day. I particularly focused on understanding human microbiome and neurotransmitters. It made me realize the importance of food in our mental and physical well being. As a result, I am more aware of my consumption particularly meat, sugar, wheat, and milk.

The research on the positives of varied microbiota on humans and its effect on us is still underway. The impact of antibiotics in killing bacteria is already known.

The adverse effect of sugar is well proven. Many books and research papers talk about it. Sugar gets credit for the most modern-day disease.

We have evolved over the centuries. We are no more hunter-gatherer. We are growing our food and at times a surplus of it. We are eating more now. One can order and it food round the clock. The big giants are spending millions on making us more hungry by altering our taste buds.

Thanks to clever markets, kids know better than parents what to order while eating out.