Random Thoughts: On starting Up

One advantage of living in Bangalore is everyone around you is working on startup ideas. You visit a coffee shop or a microbrewery you will find folks talking in length & at times even pitching product ideas to investors for funding.  I keeping asking myself these questions whenever i think about starting up. 1. Is …

India in 69 pictures

We celebrated 69 years of Indian independence yesterday. Like all the bloggers, artists, media houses and social media friends, I wanted to post a tribute to India on this blog. Here are 69 pictures of food, temples, people, palaces and more; taken by me or my friends [Johnshon, Shiva, Krish or Deepan] while traveling across …

My Take On An EMI Free Life

My good friend Sridhar and I dined out for lunch at a Mangalorean restaurant. We liked the place, the food and service was amicable. At lunch, we discussed technology, professions, family and life in general. It was a good meetup. Today’s post is to discuss the one thing we examined closely. The topic was just …

Sharing my Ideas, If you like go build a startup

I been following James Altucher for over a year now. He keeps telling about becoming an idea machine, come up with 10 ideas everyday. I tried it for few weeks and realized its too difficult to gather ideas. So far I have managed to  gather few ideas but implementing is not my piece of cake. …

My prejudice towards Buzzfeed

BuzzFeed is known for pulling story from Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, imgur, Facebook, Whatsapp [YEP] and making it CLICKBAIT/LINKBAIT. Every entity has revenue model & this works best for BuzzFeed.  One of my friend wrote a nice post Quantifying the Clickbait and Linkbait in BuzzFeed Article Titles It was my prejudice that did me wrong at …