Random Thoughts: On-boarding new developers to open source projects. Then & Now.

We are entering in 2016, my journey to open source started in 2004-05 when i attended one of the Linux User Group meetup in New Delhi, India. Those days we had to pay one$ for surfing internet for an hour, having a dial-up internet at home was considered luxury. What was the scene those days? …

8 learnings from reading book title : The Phoenix Project

Past 3 weeks I spent reading The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win [Amazon] I have to admit that i am not a usual reader hence finishing a book in 3 weeks time is a big achievement for me. These are the 8 things I learnt reading this book: Trust …

Random Thoughts: On Identity

When we were born we had no identity, we were just another creature on planet Earth. Then came : Parents : religion, caste, surname Physical appearance: Looks, Color, Weight, Height Personal nature: Empathic, Rude, Jolly Job & Education: MIT/IIT/IIM/XLRI/MIT/Harvard Social Status: Bank balance, Car, House You will be judged & reminded about your identity at …

Random thoughts: On Romanticizing Failures

People say success & failures are complementary. It is like two side of coin & both co-exist. Over last few years I have noticed in every spectrum people are celebrating failures be it cover page of famous magazine, online portal, help/advice avenues like Quora or social media portals like Twitter, Facebook, Medium or LinkedIn.  I …

Moving On, last day at The New Stack

Leaving an organization is extremely difficult especially when  you have been part of it from day Zero[or before] or a 1st/2nd hire.  But as someone said every great thing comes with an expiry date hence here I am writing my post on my last day of work at The New Stack. The Journey I got …

Nepal is suffering & you are all responsible

Ordinary Nepali friends are in real pain & I have written about same before in my previous blog. Who are the real culprits for current situation: Nepali Politicians Nepali politicians are thick skinned. They are part of every deal be it taking bribe from India or China for giving contracts or  channeling  money to personal pocket …

Random Thoughts: On television, newspaper & media

When I was a little kid we only had Doordarshan, India’s national channel & It had limited hours dedicated for news. Currently we have 25+ hindi & english channel catering 24/7 news.  If we add up entertainment/lifestyle/sports the list will go over 200. It is same with newspapers. I have not purchased a newspaper in …

Random Thoughts: On working remotely

I have completed almost 2+ years working remotely. I can only say its not an easy job  & requires well defined process in place. I just felt like sharing what could be the best way to avoid conflicts across team members & abiding to timeline. Daily Communication Tools To communicate with the daily activities with …