Random Thoughts: clinging to the past

Why as a humans it is so difficult to let things go? Why can’t we not move on from past, our mistakes, relationships and all that we did which made us weak or smarter? Our human mind is like a google drive, all it does is stores and stores our experiences. I am not sure …

Random Thoughts: Capitalism, Consumerism and social proof

Capitalism has fueled growth, we are more prosperous than before. Capitalism made most of us rich, prosperous. Industrialization resulted in mass production of food, medicines. We are not dying of hunger anymore or of disease like cholera, malaria (most part of the world). Anyone can work hard and build empire out of Ashes. Capitalism also …

Random Thoughts: Living in a Matchbox

Matchbox:   You are son of a servant, you have to end up doing same like your father. We bought you for few $$ and you will end up working in our sugarcane, corn fields. I want my son to be a cricketer more famous then myself. Since this was never tried it before, you …

Random Thoughts: On Trust

So much has been written on Trust by so many scholars that I am not going to write or add anything. But I will request you to ask yourself? Will you be interested in a relationship without trust? Will you be interested in working with someone whom you cannot trust? Will you buy a product …

Random Thoughts: On Religion

Right after birth, society mask comes to you in various forms : name race religion caste sub-caste middle class, upper class or poor I will focus on Religion on this post. I have friends who never miss going to Hanuman Temple on Tuesday for prayers, also some who visits mosque on Friday along with others …

Random Thoughts: Why are we scared of losing?

Human mind is a monkey mind  as Naval says. We are constantly worried about our future and  work hard towards making it better.  At times we get so busy in it that we forget about living in this very beautiful moment, the present which is constantly passing. At the same time we start overthinking and …

Looking back at 2017

Pheww. 2017 is almost gone, what a fantastic year this has been so far.   The year went by like a joyride with it’s own share of happiness, pain, losses and learnings. The best part of it all is that am still breathing and all of my body parts are working alright. In short, everything has …

Random Thoughts: Other’s mind

What is going on the other side? The mind of people around you? Are we able to get the other side of story? We have our own predefined construct about some person or situation and if the result is favorable we are happy else we are in pain. It is not easy to read others …

Random Thoughts: On Death

Death is the reality of life and most of us are scared about it. We try accumulating so much of wealth & enormous materialistic possessions. I have no clue if the kings/queens/riches of mummified world are using them after death. I’ve been told that most of the wealth left behind by the wealthy nobility and …